Man, this was unfunny.

Most of the comedy, and I here use the word "comedy" quite wrongly, rather, the sorry excuse for comedy that the writers/directors try to get away with, comes from just mentioning celebrities, and, assuming that the viewers are idiots, mentioning the reference out loud, just because you are retarded and didn't get it.

Allow me to make fans of this movie pee with laughter: Paris Hilton (I am talking about Paris Hilton), Britney Spears (Hey, I just wrote Britney Spears), Happy Feet (Look, Happy Feet! That dancing penguin is Happy Feet!), Rocky Balboa (ROCKY BALBOA, YOU RETARD!!! YOU NEED IT SPELLED OUT IN A CLOSE-UP ON HIS BELT IN HUGE FREAKING LETTERS???)

Another source of, well, not laughter, what is the other one, oh yeah, Not Laughter, is the insistance that if a joke that wasn't funny the first time around is extended into several minutes of repetition, it suddenly gets funny. They are sadly mistaken, but no one has bothered to tell them.

In conclusion, allow me to end with a joke: Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)
