MovieChat Forums > Meet the Spartans (2008) Discussion > You Have to See '300' First....

You Have to See '300' First....

Then you'll get 'Meet the Spartans'. It was harilious and followed the line of '300' to the tee. One of the funniest movies I've seen in a long while. Kudos to Friedberg and Seltzer for making one laugh at the expense of others. Isn't that what Hollywood's all about?


"Kudos to Friedberg and Seltzer for making one laugh at the expense of others. Isn't that what Hollywood's all about?"

Is that what he was doing? Because I thought they were unskillfully ripping off movies, and cramming as many pop culture references and impersonations in there, regardless of whether it makes sense, matters, or even approaches funny. It's like watching the episode structure of a Family Guy episode play out, Sans writers, sans actors, sans humor. And yes, it seems that IS what Hollywood is all about these days. *beep* rip offs and spin offs and sequels and re makes.

Tripe. Crap. *beep* Dookie. Turd Sandwich.

Brains for dinner
Brains for lunch
Brains for breakfast
Brains for brunch



One of the funniest movies I've seen in a long while

Then I guess you've seen about 4 movies in your entire life?? Come on! There's no way you can find this funny. I laughed with Scary Movie or Teen Movie, but this movie was the worst I've seen in my life!!
If you find this hilarious, rent Zoolander and you'll consider it a masterpiece. And also get to see The Big Lebowski, which will be like 'Citizen Kane' for you..

Happiness only real when shared - Christopher McCandless - Into the Wild


Then I guess you've seen about 4 movies in your entire life??

No, this means he's seen 1 movie in his life. The Passion of Christ was funnier than this, and I'm a catholic... kinda.


Very few spoofs are funny if you've never seen the movies it's making fun of. Fatal Instinct and Hot Shots: Part Deux are only exceptions I know of, since I have never seen Cape Fear, Basic Instinct, Body of Evidence, First Blood or really any of the movies they parody, but I still find both funny.

"Fine. You want to eat? Let's see if you can eat... PIZZA!!!"


It depends on someone humour, I loved it. Its because when they did the whole Britney Spears, Simon Cowell, Lindsey Lohan things I completely understand what there on about! and like the "you momma" jokes, im 16 but every now and then me and my mates use those jokes. IMO its for younger people this film.

It was really good for me, i just watched it now for the first time here in the UK... thank the Lord that i have just got Sky+


I love 'yo mama' jokes very much... but the ones in this movie were just... terrible. Actually, that's an insult to the word terrible. You'd have to invent an entirely new word to describe them, none of the existing ones do them any honor.

Face it, people. Friedman and Seltzer are horrible, horrible directors. Their 'humor' is on par with the average 12 year old's who thinks every joke should involve either poop, sex or homosexual references. The fact that their movies actually generate profits is simply a testament that there are a lot of Friedmans and Seltzers out there... sadly.


Im sure the purpose of the one sin the film is that they were supposed to be crap "yo moma" jokes. Thats what makes it funnier because they are getting offended over the *beep* comebacks lol


hollywood is about taking advantage of the dumbest people it can... They beat you and stole your money with unclever unfunny jokes. Well done sir. And just b/c this movie follows the 300 story line (OBVIOUSLY YOU RETARD), does not make it funny or clever in any way. Go suck an egg.

