MovieChat Forums > Meet the Spartans (2008) Discussion > I may be the only one in the world but.....

I may be the only one in the world but....

I LOVE these movies!

Scary Movie(s), Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans, Disaster Movie, Extreme Movie, Vampires Suck and etc.. and though I must admit the only one to date I haven't seen is Date Movie so I have no opinion on that and I wasn't fond of Superhero Movie and yes some of them are made by different writers but I do absolutely LOVE these movies.

I'm not trying to argue with anyone about the humour involved in these movies or say that the actors or scripts are the best things in the entire world and deserve to be considered for any type of award but when I see that a new parody has come out I always try to see it as soon as possible.

It's like how you have to appreciate the humour in Family Guy or The Simpsons (no; I'm not comparing these movies to either of these shows because the shows are much better) but you really do need to just do that; appreciate the pop culture references and not care that it's extremely blatant attempts at humour.

So maybe many of you wish for me to apologize because I am one of the reasons these types of movies are still being made; I make them my $25.00 a movie because I own them all so to you I apologize but there are some of us out there and I'm not ashamed of it because they make me laugh, they make me smile and they kill an hour or two out of a average or boring day.



I love spoof movies too. I tend to be loyal to the Scary Movie series because of David Zucker, but I broke down and rented Meet The Spartans tonight. It's not as good as Zucker's work, but it was entertaining enough. Just proves if it's a spoof of movies and pop culture and halfway decent, then I'm going to like it.


Good spoof movies are awesome, this was beyond pathetic.


"It's like how you have to appreciate the humour in Family Guy or The Simpsons"

Okay I was going to be nice and let the nonsense you just spouted slide but honestly? Those shows are nothing a like. The Simpsons has actually employed intelligence in its humour, where as family guy is just one interchangeable joke after another, best viewed by complete retards. You obviously don't understand any humour because you also compared Scary movie to the complete load of *beep* that was Meet the Spartans.


the only one i liked were scary movies.. they weren't so exagerate and had a good script...
"It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is progress!"


Ok, Scary Movie 1 and 2 were the best, the others were ..ok. But in general I love spoofs, especially Airplane, Naked Gun, and any Mel Brooks film. This one wason a scale of one to ten in my opinion, a 4

