Just watched, and I admit I laughed out loud quite a few times.
Okay, I had been meaning to see this for a while, I knew it was most likely going to be stupid, but I still thought the trailer (I don't remember which one) I saw was pretty funny. I just watched it for free On Demand and I must say I laughed out loud a lot more than I thought I would.
Also, btw, I've seen 300 and thought it was awesome. Not my favorite movie, but awesome scenes and the visuals are great. But I also thought this movie was hilarious in some parts.
Sure, it was a dumb movie, but there were several scenes I laughed at out loud. Here's a few...*spoilers I guess*
-The "Stomp the Yard" face off. I saw stomp the yard and i was pretty disappointed, i thought the story was pretty good but the actual movie was terrible. However, I found it personally hilarious to see the Spartans vs. the Masked Persians breakdancing. One of the funniest parts of the movie for me, and the first one that really got me laughing out loud. I even rewinded it and watched it again.
-The GTA part. Especially when he starts bumpin "Barbie Girl" I don't know why but when he says "Come on barbie lets go party!" or whatever in his accent I started laughing.
-The Yo Mama scene. Completely unexpected, but hilarious. However, the last guy on the "Street" side (with the regular people, not the Spartans) who had the sideways hat and looked white/maybe mexican or asian was a complete d-bag and I wanted to punch him in the face.
-All the random product placement. Even the Chanel Purse the "paris hilton" wanted was funny. The gatorade scene, lol.
-The "Pit of Death" scene. I laughed when all of the random people got kicked into it, I thought despite the fact it was excessive and happened to a lot of people, it was still quite funny.
-The parts with his wife (the blonde carmen electra looking girl...or wait is that carmen? no...can't be....) were pretty funny, especially how she's always shakin her @$$ and there's always a close up of her chest or high heels. When he's in bed with her and sees all the names written on her it was pretty funny too. Dr. Phil?? lol.
This movie isn't going to win any awards (except for maybe being so dumb), but it really did make me laugh and I very well may buy it sometime (I have a feeling I'm gonna get a bunch of crap for even admitting I would buy it). This movie would be really funny if you just drank several beers or got high or something. Just my opinion.
It's immature, it's silly, and it's stupid, but there are some truly hilarious and unexpectedly funny scenes.
I would give it a 7/10 or 8/10. I know a lot of people probably think I'm psycho or on drugs right now, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. It made me laugh, had some pretty funny scenes, and was definitely worth seeing for free.