MovieChat Forums > Meet the Spartans (2008) Discussion > Just watched, and I admit I laughed out ...

Just watched, and I admit I laughed out loud quite a few times.

Okay, I had been meaning to see this for a while, I knew it was most likely going to be stupid, but I still thought the trailer (I don't remember which one) I saw was pretty funny. I just watched it for free On Demand and I must say I laughed out loud a lot more than I thought I would.

Also, btw, I've seen 300 and thought it was awesome. Not my favorite movie, but awesome scenes and the visuals are great. But I also thought this movie was hilarious in some parts.

Sure, it was a dumb movie, but there were several scenes I laughed at out loud. Here's a few...*spoilers I guess*

-The "Stomp the Yard" face off. I saw stomp the yard and i was pretty disappointed, i thought the story was pretty good but the actual movie was terrible. However, I found it personally hilarious to see the Spartans vs. the Masked Persians breakdancing. One of the funniest parts of the movie for me, and the first one that really got me laughing out loud. I even rewinded it and watched it again.

-The GTA part. Especially when he starts bumpin "Barbie Girl" I don't know why but when he says "Come on barbie lets go party!" or whatever in his accent I started laughing.

-The Yo Mama scene. Completely unexpected, but hilarious. However, the last guy on the "Street" side (with the regular people, not the Spartans) who had the sideways hat and looked white/maybe mexican or asian was a complete d-bag and I wanted to punch him in the face.

-All the random product placement. Even the Chanel Purse the "paris hilton" wanted was funny. The gatorade scene, lol.

-The "Pit of Death" scene. I laughed when all of the random people got kicked into it, I thought despite the fact it was excessive and happened to a lot of people, it was still quite funny.

-The parts with his wife (the blonde carmen electra looking girl...or wait is that carmen? no...can't be....) were pretty funny, especially how she's always shakin her @$$ and there's always a close up of her chest or high heels. When he's in bed with her and sees all the names written on her it was pretty funny too. Dr. Phil?? lol.

This movie isn't going to win any awards (except for maybe being so dumb), but it really did make me laugh and I very well may buy it sometime (I have a feeling I'm gonna get a bunch of crap for even admitting I would buy it). This movie would be really funny if you just drank several beers or got high or something. Just my opinion.

It's immature, it's silly, and it's stupid, but there are some truly hilarious and unexpectedly funny scenes.

I would give it a 7/10 or 8/10. I know a lot of people probably think I'm psycho or on drugs right now, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. It made me laugh, had some pretty funny scenes, and was definitely worth seeing for free.


I have to second this. I watched it last night with my lass and found it funny as *beep*

I have always said if you know its going to be a *beep* film all out for laughs then watch it as a *beep* film all out for laughs and you will not go away feeling empty then.

There is loads of funny parts in this film. Also nice to see a old Grange Hill actor out there in the big world (If not british then its a old kids program that was quite the institution back in the day)

I say watch in with a few beers and friends and have a good laugh.

Thumbs up from me!


The only part I actually died of laughter in was the Wookie joke during the "Yo' Mama" scene.

Oh, and the skipping. I don't know why, but I found it quite humorous.


The only smile worthy part was the credits because the goddamn piece of *beep* was *beep* over.

"We're not going to Guam, are we."
-Frank Lapidus, LOST


Obviously you've never even watched the movie you're blasting, because the credits are equally as retarded as the film.



I love this movie. It has many scenes directly spoofing the key scenes in 300. The ending credits were poorly edited. The Hooters bit should have stayed in the main movie.



I have to shamefully agree. I hate most of these stupid spoof comedies. I couldn't take more than 10 minutes of the Epic Movie or the last few Scary Movies or any other movie these two idiots have ever made until I caught this on HBO.

I laughed out loud quite a few times. It was definitely dumb but some scenes were actually really funny. THen again, I thought 300 was a laughably bad movie so maybe it's just me.


On the whole, this film is absolutely awful, however there was one moment which actually made me laugh my ass off which really suprised me.

It's near the beginning when Leonidas is beating his son up, he does a piledriver on him then does a flying elbow on him. Then one of the characters says "i see Leonidas is training his boy to be a Spartan" and it cuts to Leonidas chasing his son with a chainsaw, then in the background it shows him beating him with a chair and smashing a pot on his head. For some reason it made me laugh hysterically, it's too bad the rest of the film wasn't as amusing.


I decided to keep watching when I saw that oracle scene. Everyone frowned at her being ugly and one of the creeps was like "she has a good personality!" I actually laughed out loud.


"I laughed out loud quite a few times. It was definitely dumb but some scenes were actually really funny. THen again, I thought 300 was a laughably bad movie so maybe it's just me. "

Agree 100%


I Also agree

I actually watched this before 300

Man oh man is 300 bad...

I loved the Spartans scene with G.W.Bush "War's not the answer" and our hero says "No War IS the answer!" it makes me chuckle all the time I guess it the irony...


This was stupid as almighty hell. And yet I laughed. I laughed because I sat through the lameness that was 300. THAT sucked a$$. Why shouldn't its parody suck a$$ as well, and show just how truly stupid it was?

The Bud Light scene absolutely killed me. "So here's to you, Mr. War-Mongering Blatant Homosexual." I also got a kick out of Leonidas singing "Barbie Girl" and the special guest appearance by Chris Cocker (the "Leave Britney Alone!" guy) on Transformer Xerxes' monitor.

Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.



I thought the best jokes was at the end of the credits where it said that all the characters were fictional and any resemblance to a real person was coincidental. laughed quite hard then :P


The one thing that made me laugh was some of Kevin Sorbos dialogue

when leonidas is beating up his son and kevin is like "I remember when my father used to beat me" and the woman says "yes, an ancient tradition, a birthright handed down thoughout centuries, etc" and kevin replies "no he was an Alcoholic"

I just laughed alot at that one bit



i laughed the whole movie and that was the idea. no matter if it's smart or not, it accomplished that end, i don't know why the rating is so low...



It was silly movie but I did laugh.
GTA and Bottomless pit was the funniest. Kicking Britney Spears and American Idol's dude? LOL.

Again to find these funny you need to know what's that all about.

