Ruined My Relationship!!!

Well.... More of a potential relationship. So I meet this girl and we do the talking/phone thing for a week or 2. So I ask her out, she agrees yada yada yada. So we have this wonderful dinner and head off to the movies where she reluctantly agrees to see this movie. By the half way point the mood was somber, she got an attitude and kept asking to leave. We leave, she complained of cramps, I drop her off and tear out my eyes for witnessing this atrocity. Next morning I get an email... Dear John..... Thanks Spartans!

I don't care enough about my posts to proofread. If your only response is corrections, save it!



no offence, but it sounds like you suggested it... you should've checked beforehand... sorry about the story though


You're lucky that she didn't run away at the moment of you mentioning interest in this so called movie. The people that made this movie deserve a public execution. But don't blame them for your taste in bad movies.

"I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide till it goes away."


why would you take a first date to see a movie like this... dude... fail


Yeah, keep blaming meet the spartans cause your date wanted to go home...

Did u ever consider that it was you that killed the mood with either the way you look, things you say, your breath, financial status?? To blame This movie for YOUR DATE going bad and yes I say DATE not relationship, whats wrong with you???

who calls a bad date a possible relationship???
So if you married her and took her to see Jack & Jill would she have filed for DIVORCE???



LOL you WUSS! She just came to her scenes about you during the movie.


This is a great last date movie!

Sincerely, yahmez the mad.


Maybe she caught you drooling over the High fives for the Ladies, Open mouth kisses for the Men scene

There are things that go bump in the night and we are the ones that bump back


"she reluctantly agrees to see this movie"
You forced her to see a movie she did not want to.
"she complained of cramps"
Girls would rather have their period than stay with you for over half a movie.
Well done.
