Americans might actually be smarter...
So I have a quick argument to share regarding the popularity of inherently crappy films like Meet the Spartans (scientifically verifiable, it is crap, there are no arguments, no debates. Anyone who says different is a moron, scientifically speaking). With movie after movie of increasingly bad (again scientifically proven, like gravity or you sucking at life) parodies I was beginning to feel ashamed of being an American. I mean only in a country with a 'culture' like ours could such trash exist...right? Not really. If you look at box office statistics, if this movie had relied solely, or even primarily, on domestic grosses it would have been a huge flop. That statement is true even when you take account the porn-like budget these films have. However, the foreign grosses nearly double the domestic grosses. I look through the statistics on many 'Not Another...' movies as well and it was roughly the same with each one. There is a large audience in foreign countries who inexplicably desire to digest Hollywood's crap.
The lowest possible garbage that can be released by a studio will find a willing audience by overseas crowds. This reality is part of the reason why other countries think Americans are stupid. Yet here's where the table turns. These films only exist because of them, because there is a market overseas for the worst most aggressively unfunny movies in existence. Yet why do 'intellectual' Americans think that French films, British films, Korean films, Chinese films, etc. are so superior and so much smarter? Because the films we import are generally the best films from those countries. Believe me France, England, China, Korea, Japan, India, Mexico, etc. all make crappy films. Every film making country makes mindless cliche garbage. We just don't see it because there isn't a market here for there crap. Nobody would watch it. So we import only the smart stuff while they import the good and the bad. Our worst films would never be greenlit if it wasn't for the fact that there will always be a foreign audience somewhere somehow that will guarantee that the film profits. Frankly, the evidence speaks for itself, and once again I am indeed proud to be an American.