MovieChat Forums > The Descent: Part 2 (2009) Discussion > Intelligent HORROR movies. Is it Possibl...

Intelligent HORROR movies. Is it Possible?

Well, does anyone know any "intelligent" horror movies, where the makers don't assume the viewers are complete IDIOTS?
The Descent as well as The Hills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, etc must be the most stupid movies ever made. The scary "horror" part about them is their stupidity...

SO maybe something more like Event Horizon (but not necessarily sci-fi, although won't hurt if it is)



I honestly thought that The Descent had some of the smarter characters in horror, but yes, there were some really stupid decisions. Mostly when that guy sacrificed himself then the girl gets herself killed screaming for him.


Let There Be Zombies and Housebound are two good ones - both have humor in them. The Babadook is also good though more of a thriller than horror. Coherence is sci-fi and really good. These Final Hours is Australian post-apocalyptic. Subtitles: Monster is a Korean serial killer film and The House At The End of Time is great (not saying anything else - just watch it).


The Descent as well as The Hills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, etc must be the most stupid movies ever made.

I like all three of those .

If you want clever and original horror try

A Tale of Two Sisters
Dead End
The Shining
The Thing
The Babadook
The Fly
Jacob's Ladder
The Birds


Cube was clever, I liked it. But it's not really a "horror" movie is it? More like a thriller or something.
The Thing and its 2011 remake are cool.
The Fly I liked also, gross tho lol.

I'll be sure to check out the other ones you mentioned.


Actually "The Descent" made sense, the sequel was quite dumb. But if you follow "The Descent" everything added up. X-Games type, thrill seeking women who were all spelunkers decide to go spelunking. Juno, the riskiest of the bunch, decides to hit up a lesser known cave system then they meet the naked blind man-eating morloks. From there it's an all out race for survival.


Triangle was definitely a good watch


"the makers don't assume the viewers are complete IDIOTS? "

well, it seems like in your case they assumed pretty accurately.


I'm raping your mom right now.
