Totally agree with your entire post. Except on first watching, my initial response to the end was minor disappointment. I wanted Sarah's noble sacrifice to save another person's mother daughter relationship to work out.
I didn't expect to garner anything about the meaning of life from this movie. Nor did I expect to learn about how to become a cave explorer in real life. Having enjoyed the ride of watching the first, I just thought it might be fun. Morlocks on steroids. The bad IMDB score did not scare me off.
- Juno's appearance and her continuing relationship with Sarah was just one of the rewards the audience received for watching the original
- I again found myself breathing silently through my mouth as I watched the movie so I could hear the slightest sounds
- reasonably balanced amount of "jump scare" moments
- reasonably balanced amount of "can you watch the screen?" gross out moments
- heroic death scene for nice guy Greg (well 90% dead)
- gruesome death for bad guy cop
- and for me, some of the most satisfyingly predictable scenes I've watched. So many times I guessed what was going to happen, but each time, my response to seeing it play out was..... "Hell Yeah!!!!"
Great fun.
As always, wait till you are in the right mood, turn the lights off and the volume up, watch it on a big screen not your iPad, suspend disbelief..... basically just go with it if you can and have fun.