It could be pity, disgust, contempt or just simply not wanting to be reminded of that experience again. When someone lies to a person, some forgive while others take on a scorched earth policy. Others remain somewhere in between.
I had a guy cheat on me. We had dated for about 4 months. He tried to figure out who "lied" to me by mentioning a laundry list of people who knew he cheated and was trying to guess who "told" me. He even contradicted himself when he used the "wasn't him" defense even though he admitted to being at the event where incident occurred. He never figured out who told me which I always found rather humorous. I am glad that this happened though because I was starting to tire of him and his lying and needed a way out. I, like McCullough, had to take my first HIV test after this loser NOT because of unprotected sex but because she was a dancer/prostitute and I didn't know where she had been and I later found out that he experimented with shooting up. You are probably wondering how I found this "gem of a guy".
I decided to go for personality not looks and that was my downfall. A few months later, I met my tall dark and handsome husband and we have been together ever since.
This experience was over 20 years ago but it still hurts because it feels as though that person stole something and you don't want to give them the chance to steal anything else.
If I ran into him today, I wouldn't be as charitable with my time as she was with Baio. I would not give him the time of day and if I did, I would make it a point to introduce him to my very gorgeous husband.
Part of me thinks that she should have just let him run like the coward that he is. But on the other hand, I think it is good that they talked.