who is connie?

i missed this episode.. i thought he said he NEVER cheated on renee... so why did he have a friends with benefit in this other woman? wouldnt that be cheating on renee? i didnt see the episode so obviously i could be wrong here, someone let me know!



I don't know when he met Renee, but the last time he was with Connie was years ago. Their only contact in that time frame was by telephone.


While Scott still makes advances, Connie broke off that aspect of the relationship a long time ago. She is very unhappy that the show was edited to give that false impression.

Scott cheats, but not with her.


The show made her look like a loose woman, always ready at Scott's call.


She is far from a "loose woman." Connie is very much a lady with class and poise. You cannot ask to meet a nicer person.

At the time of the taping, she had not had any romantic relationship with Baio in years and she was the one who broke it off a long time ago. Baio edited this show to make it look that way for his own ego and because he doesn't like being dumped.

Connie still considered him a friend and agreed to appear as a favor, then was set up and betrayed. Baio is a jerk. If she ahd known that he would edit the show to appear as it did, she would not have agreed to get out of a sick bed to appear.


Well, I did NOT say that she is but the show made her appear that way.

She should made it clear somewhere about what Baio did to her on the show.


She will set the record straight on a lot of things. She is putting the finishing touches on a book about several events in her life and Baio's shenanigans is currently planned for one of the final chapters.

Meanwhile, just remember that there is no such thing as a reality show and nothing is ever as it appears in Hollywood. I know a number of these people and their business is fooling the public and some of them are even more obsessed with trying to fool themselves and one another. As a friend of mine often says, "Believe nothing you read, little of what you hear and less than half of what you thought you saw."



you are right about reality shows but they are viewed by millions of people and it still give them a false image of the person on that show (i.e. Connie)
It certainly will be interesting to read Connie's comments about Baio.
BTW... do you know if Baio is married to Renee now ?


Not yet, but you might see a proposal in the final episode. They edit and re-edit right up until airtime and one was taped, along with the announcement of her being pregnant.

Your estimate of how many people watch would make the people in reality shows happy, there was any accuracy in it. Scott just received the figures on his show. Episode #1 had around 600,000 viewers and the numbers have steadily declined since then.

I never would have watched a single episode, if not for knowing people involved and one in particular being a very good and special friend.


I wonder what kind of face, Scott made when he learned that renee was pregnant.

When I was talking about millions of people watching, I was referring to many reality shows, not just Scott's. Anyway, for him, 600,000 viewers are 600,000 more viewers than he had the week before the show started. LOL


This is true. I hadn't thought of him in years, until I learned about the upcoming show months before the series was even announced.

In one regard, he may have been shocked and frightened by the news. In another, I would wager that he immediately thought of a way to insert it into the storyline at the end of the series. I hope for the sake of the unborn child that he makes an effort to be a good father. At the same time, I have to question whether he is capable.

However, that is also really none of my business. I am not into the whole fan scene and I only came to this board to set the record straight as it affects someone who is a good friend.

People around town can tell you that I can enjoy lunch with the big shots, or I can be just as happy buying a burger for a homeless person and listening to them, maybe even trying to offer a little advice based on many years of experience with ups and downs. The biggest difference to me is who is picking up the tab.

I mentioned the show to a couple of actresses and one young one had no idea who he is. One actress closer to my age asked me if he is still alive; she thought he had died of a drug overdose years ago. (Scott claims that he has never done drugs. If this is true, good for him. However, I tend to doubt it.)

Recently, he has gotten more mention, but only as the butt of jokes. Last night's episode of Family Guy had no less than 7 Scott Baio is gay insinuation jokes and one about Tom Cruise. He would have been better off trying to work behind the cameras as a producer, maybe director, like the rest of the Happy Days cast. This series is a fiasco.

I would still question the thought that there are millions watching all of these "celebreality" shows combined. They probably all get the same group of viewers and it's pretty much all on VH-1 after all, a network which was better off when they just showed classic rock and roll videos.


I also don't think that I had thought about Scott Baio since the time he was on that doctor/detective show with Dick Van Dyke (shoot, the title escapes me) and although I was in the same age group as he was while on "Happy Days" or even "Charles In Charge", I never was a fan.

But you are right, he definetely should have avoided the reality show that probably has burst some fan's "adoration" bubble about him. (and adoration is not the term that I was looking for).

I am sure that the people who used to enjoy VH-1 (as I used to) in the 80s/90s are not the same people who would watch it today. The reason I have watched some episodes of "Baio is 45..." is that I have to confess, I got curious...
I had no idea that the guy was the way he is and he makes almost no effort to hide it. The guys he hangs out with are as pathetic as he is, especially Johnny (I was even wondering if he really was a friend or an actor pretending to be a friend)

I also hope that he will take his role as a father seriously if not as a husband. Or the child will be another Hollywood casualty.


While his friends are acting and not very good at it, they are actually his little posse, as the kids say.

The show with Dick Van Dyke was "Diagnosis Murder." I never watched it.

I've never personally had dealings with Baio, though some of my friends obviously have. All I really knew about him was that he used to be a popular child actor and never successfully made the transition to popular adult actor. He didn't have the sense, or ability, to do as the others on Happy Days and become successful in other areas of the business.

There are some former teenyboppers who still have their fantasies, but whatever bubbles haven't been burst by now likely will be. From what I've read on a couple of boards, he should never plan to raise rabbits. (Think of the scene from Fatal Attraction.)

I never cared about him one way or another, never took an interest and I'll be glad when he fades away again. His antics and this stupid vanity show have created an annoyance among some good people who didn't deserve, or expect, to find their names dragged through the mud by this fool.

I miss the old VH-1 as something for background music and the occasional glimpse of real rock and rollers, some of who were acquaintances.


Like you say, his friends are really terrible at acting But all act like they are hot and mighty. The one they say used to be in "Wonder Years" looks like a little follower. Never has much to say. As for Johnny V... I don't think that I could use enough words to describe him.
That degree of stupidity is amazing. (apparently he has been given a part in that show called "Three & Half Men" with Charlie Sheen)

Thank you for reminding me of the title of the Dick Van Dyke show. I used to watch it, especially for Dick Van Dyke and I did like Victoria a lot also.

Well, anyway, I think that we're giving way too much time to Scott Baio by discussing him.

I have noticed that you have only discussed the "Scott Baio is 45..."
Were you not familiar with IMDB before ?


I was aware of imdb, as is everyone in the business. I didn't have any interest in the message boards, until it was pointed out to me that someone I actually know and care about was being discussed and I signed up for the boards to set the record straight.

Johnny V actually gets a fair amount of work as a quirky comic and comic actor. He does okay for himself. He's not as stupid as the characters he likes to play, but hanging around with Baio would call one's taste into question.


Joker, you said Connie didn't know that was the reason for meeting with Scott? What did she think the meeting was about? (If I'm wrong, sorry.) I'm curious as to what these women like Erin, Connie, the chick he brought fried chicken too, and the others think their going to talk to him about.

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She knew that the meeting was for a show and she was given the impression that Scott wanted to discuss his shortcomings and how they have prevented him from finding a wife. She came with the best of intentions, prepared to discuss where he has made mistakes and what he needs to do to get it together. She was lied to about the nature and purpose of the episode and how she would be presented.

Scott had other plans for how this was to go. He said many insulting things which were since edited out. It was a set-up and he thought that it would be funny to try to humiliate and degrade her after she broke off the romantic relationship a long time ago. Scott never likes it when a woman ends it before he is ready, so he and his friends like to get nasty.

He had to re-edit a lot of things later, when it was made clear to him that it was going to backfire in a big way. Connie has many loyal friends who know the truth and wouldn't let him get away with it. As it is, some things were still aired once before later being removed from the show and previews.

Baio is a little phony and people around Hollywood know it. Trying to hurt someone who was there to do him a favor, in an attempt to generate ratings, is low down and dirty. People don't forget betrayals, even though they happen a lot in this town. Do it intentionally on tape and you are through. Baio has no future in the business now. Of course, people who "star" in these b.s. celebreality shows were done to begin with.


Next Scott Baio will be on the Surreal Life, Johnny V. in tow. AAAAAnyways, whether Scott had to edit stuff to make her look bad and him good, I really don't see how she came off bad. I may not have paid attention, but I didn't see her in a bad light. As far as some people calling her a slut, I think it's all how you look at what a slut is. I know many people who "hooked" up with people, in a slutty way, and in not slutty ways. You can have a strong and great friendship with someone and sleep with them once in a while. Hey, people get lonely. It seemed to me that they were friends who relied on each other in times of "need". I've done it, so I can't look down on her for it. The only thing that made me give it a second thought, was that she was a little chubby. And Scott seems too shallow to me to have it known he's sleeping with a chubby girl. Not talking crap on HER, merely stating the fact that she looked chubby (at least to me)and the fact that he seems shallow (to me).

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The extra weight is recent and temporary. She has been very ill and got out of a sick bed to do this show. As she feels stronger, she is working on that and will look like herself soon.

As I said previously, they have not been together in a long time. She has been in other and more serious relationships since their early days and has raised a wonderful daughter. She deserves respect for many accomplishments and for her future ones, including a book about to be completed. She is a brilliant and beautiful woman and one of the nicest people anyould want to meet.

Google Connie Woods to see what a knockout she was when they got together more than 20 years ago. She is determined to get back in shape. I my opinion she looks great right now.

Had the episode been aired with all of the original footage and the horrible things he said to someone who had only been good to him in all of these years, there would have been hell to pay.



I agree. I know that, as Connie gets over an illness which is not inconsequential, she is working on getting back into shape and she will succeed. She is a beautiful woman, inside and out.

She will be back stronger than ever and with the self respect Baio lacks. Additionally, she has the respect of others, another thing Baio lacks. She has real friends and Scott only has sycophants.


Like I said, I wasn't saying she looked chubby to put her down. Heck, I'm not a twig. I only mentioned it b/c Scott seems too shallow to have it known she was seeing a less than perfect bomb shell. I thought she was pretty, and she wasn't "sloppy" chubby, but more "healthy" chubby. If that makes sense. You keep mentioning a book. And I may be wrong but I think you mentioned somewhere along the line that she would talk about her hollywood "flings". is it gonna be a Janice Dickinson thing where she says "i've dated, or "dated *wink wink*" Scott Baio, So and So, What's his face, and Whatcha-ma-call-it"? If so, I think that would give a bad impression of her. If she slept with Scott and So and So, so what? I could care less who she slept with, or didn't sleep with for that matter. What's the purpose of her writing the book anyways, if it's not a "tell all" about her sex life?

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The book will not be about her sex life. That is too private for publication and she has better taste than to write such trash and drivel. She is going to expose some cheats and thieves and liars for what they are and lay bare the inner workings of some Hollywood moguls with names and dates and details. If Baio finds himself in the book, that is his own fault.

As for her added weight, it is not healthy. She has been very ill for some time and got out of a sick bed to do the show. I would never give details without her express permission, so don't ask. As her health improves, the weight will melt away and she will re-emerge as the old Connie. She is beautiful now, but she will be incredible soon. See her old pictures and posters to see what her goal is -and she always accomplishes what she sets out to do.



You should occasionally check her MySpace page to what a wonderful woman she is and how loved by her friends and respected by all. She is brilliant, with a sense of humor and has more class in her little finger than most do in their entire being. I'm very proud that she and I have become real friends and that we confide in one another.

She is always open to becoming friends with people online. When she gets to really know someone, she occasionally lets it become a real life friendship. She is a private person, but always there for a friend. How many do you find like this in today's world?



Before getting too uncomfortable, be aware that I am doing this with Connie's full knowledge and blessing. She refuses to look at these boards, but she knows that I am a loyal and discreet friend and will never say anything that would hurt her in any way. We communicate many times every day.

You take care and have a good night. Thanks for your interest and concern.



Thank you. I am also very protective of my friends, as you might have noticed. I'm old fashioned about that. Might be because I'm just plain old. I think of Connie almost like a daughter.


The book will not be about her sex life. That is too private for publication and she has better taste than to write such trash and drivel. She is going to expose some cheats and thieves and liars for what they are and lay bare the inner workings of some Hollywood moguls with names and dates and details. If Baio finds himself in the book, that is his own fault.

As for her added weight, it is not healthy. She has been very ill for some time and got out of a sick bed to do the show. I would never give details without her express permission, so don't ask. As her health improves, the weight will melt away and she will re-emerge as the old Connie. She is beautiful now, but she will be incredible soon. See her old pictures and posters to see what her goal is -and she always accomplishes what she sets out to do.
Not meant as a jab to you or in a mean way, but the way you are constantly mentioning her sick bed, her book, what a good person she is, etc. is a little unsettling to me. I don't know how to describe the feeling, but it's a weird feeling. Again, I'm not saying you're a creepy old man or anything (although you could be and I'd be none the wiser lol)and I'm not trying to be mean or say anything to offend you, just speaking my mind.

As far as the book exposing people in the entertainment business, and I'm not speaking about Connie but in general, I have never understood why people did that. Revenge in the only reason I could think of, off the top of my head. I know there are some people who worship celebrities and what not. But I just don't see the point in calling people out and "telling on them". I watch the celebreality shows and stuff but I could care less about their personal life. I'm not the type of person to see a big celebrity and freak out and chase them for a pic or autograph. If they're pumping gas next to me, they're just another person at the same pump as me. So maybe that's why I don't get the big deal about it.

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You missed every point. Connie is my friend ...period. I have no interest in who she gets involved with romantically. I only hope that whoever she does get involved with is able to appreciate her and make her happy.

There was a time when it was the norm to stand beside a friend when they face adversity. I still believe in that sort of friendship. If you, or anyone else, thinks that makes me a "creepy old man," I would feel sorry for you for never having had a real friend.

What I enjoy most about Connie is her excellent mind and sense of humor. Her ability to care about others and empathize, to be able to keep confide and be confided in, is all rare these days. She and I still believe in such values and that is a major part of what makes us friends. You learn to treasure such friends, or you lose them.

Her book is about the business, not about celebrities. I will not give the entire story line away, but it has a lot to do with how people in the business get ripped off, NOT about who is bedding who. Those who want that sort of information can stick to tabloids and that type of show.

As for your "weird feeling," I don't know whether to refer you to a therapist, or offer you a Pepto Bismol. I guess you'll have to decide.


First off, you don't need to try to insult me. Second of all, I said I was NOT saying you were a creepy old man. Just that by you saying at least a dozen times that she was in a sick bed, a dozen times that she's writing a book, a dozen times that she's a great person, etc. is a little much. When did I say I thought you had a problem with who she sleeps with? Even if you did care, I could care less. I do believe in standing up for friends, good for you for doing it. If it was a friend of mine being ragged on, I'd say something in their defense too. However, I would state my case once, maybe twice to get the point across and then leave it at that. But you seem to not be able to let up. Maybe I will go see a therapist, and mention to him two dozen times that a friend of mine is writing a book, got out of a sick bed to meet an old friend, and how wonderful she is all in one session. And I'll think of you when that therapist clears his books to meet with me everyday to find out why I'm so stuck on my friends life like that.

Now, before you try to respond to something I did not say, or something you took the wrong way....
I think it's great that you are sticking up for her.
I think it's wonderful she has a friend like you, and vice versa.
I have no doubt in my mind that she is a wonderful person.
I am not saying anything negative about her being sick or getting out of bed while sick to meet with Scott. ONLY stating the apparent fact that she DID indeed get out of bed to meet with him.
If you would have read what I said a little better, you would have seen that I was trying to make it known to you that I was not trying to be mean to you or her. And tried to explain why I said what I said. I'll admit I could have worded it differently or something to get my actual point across, but it came out that way.

And I appologize for misunderstanding what her book was about. HOWEVER, I wasn't trying to say anything bad towards HER for the kind of book I assumed it was. I only said I don't understand why some people DO write THOSE kinds of books. And you did say this previusly...

She will set the record straight on a lot of things. She is putting the finishing touches on a book about several events in her life and Baio's shenanigans is currently planned for one of the final chapters.
As well as
She is going to expose some cheats and thieves and liars for what they are and lay bare the inner workings of some Hollywood moguls with names and dates and details.

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I wasn't trying to insult you. Believe me, when I want to throw out insults, you'll have no doubt about it. I was poking fun, while making a point.

As for repeating myself more than once, how many people go back and read everything I've said and how many just pick up at a very recent post and go from there? I'm not writing for the educational benefit of just one person. When the subject comes up, I will repeat as necessary, since so many start from a false premise.

For a friend, I don't mind doing it, even if it makes me seem pedantic or whatever. After all, most won't do their homework and figure out who I am and I find myself in a position right now to be able to take the time. Also, she won't defend herself and I promised her that I would. I will keep that promise without regard to whether it is convenient for me.

As for the question about why people write those celebrity oriented types of tell all books, the answer is simple: because people will buy them. I won't write that sort of crap, but I occasionally write equally crappy stuff because people will buy it.


Seemed more like you trying to insult me, more than "poking fun". Whether you were trying to be insulting, or funny, you failed. If someone wants to know what the heck is actually going on before sticking their two cents in, then they SHOULD go back and read what's been said already. But you mentioned them several times in different responses to the same people. Hopefully they would have read what you said since you seemed to be replying to them. Again, I'm all for helping a friend out and defending them. But I would never have someone spend hours ONLINE defending me when i could do it myself. But this is a stupid message board on the internet. she shouldn't take anything said here so personal. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume the majority of the people who post here do not know her personally, only from work she's done or heard from media. So it really shouldn't matter at all what anyone says here about her. I think it's great that you take the time and care enough to defend what people's perceptions are of her. But none of it really matters. You mentioned that you were fairly older than Connie and thought of her as a daughter, so I'm assuming (appologize if i am wrong) that you are old enough to be her father. Now if you had known her when she was in high school (again, I'm assuming you didn't but if you did the same question still applies) would you have gone to that high school when some brat didn't like her and started a rumor about her? As great of a person as she may be, there's always someone who hates everybody, especially in high school. Now you can argue that this is not high school and they're talking about her real life, but really, what's the difference between people talking sh!t on her here (mostly kids) and being in high school?

After all, most won't do their homework and figure out who I am and I find myself in a position right now to be able to take the time.
Are you saying you are of some sort of celebrity status?

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I surely don't think of myself as a celebrity, but I occasionally get asked for an autograph on something other than credit card receipts and it frankly surprises me. I do some performing in television and movies, but only small roles.

I also do a little writing and the occasional stage performance and I am currently a featured performer on a radio comedy show. There are a number of sites mentioning me and even an unauthorized site by my stalker, fully loaded with incorrect information and I occasionally get a good laugh at the stupidity. That's more than enough about me.

If you want to know the nature of my friendship with Connie Woods, I suggest that you go to her site and ask her directly. I haven't been acquainted for her very long, but she will confirm that we are good friends, that we confide in one another and offer advice and that it is strictly platonic. We agreed at the very beginning that we would keep it that way because that is more appropriate for us. If she wishes to tell you more, it is completely up to her. I am sticking within the parameters she and I have discussed and will not expand without her express permission.

Am I old enough to be her father? Yes, if I became her father in my late teens, not unusual these days. Did I know her when she was young? No. A number of years ago, I would very likely have had a completely different way of looking at her.

You may have had trouble getting the humor in what I said to you, but a couple of other people howled. Not everyone gets my jokes and I never let that worry me. Enough people do enjoy my wisecracks that I make money from it and more people in the audience laugh than do not. Had I been trying to insult you, be advised that I have made a Marine Drill Instructor shed tears. I love a good insult, whether I am delivering or receiving one. Throw a really good one at me and I just might steal it and use it sometime.

Do I "spend hours" on this? Not really. I spent some time on it during an otherwise boring weekend. My friend was upset and I would do nearly anything to make her feel better and make her smile, as I would for most of my real friends. She was feeling very emotional about some of the things being said on boards about her and she felt that it was inappropriate for her to directly engage the posters. At the asme time, she was concerned about friends of her daughter seeing the garbage and commenting. You should know how cruel children can be. As a real friend, I stepped up.

Right now, I have configured the settings on my IMDb account to notify me when there is a response in these threads. Currently, that is mostly you, but I type fairly fast and this takes only a moment for me. I do spend hours online, researching and working on various projects. I wasn't on this site (I rarely am) when I saw that an email had come in to let me know that you are posting on this thread again.

Just because some of the repeated points seem to you to be to the same person does not mean that it really is. When you read it, the response was not specifically adressed to you, was it? How many others read one of those responses and would not have gotten that information because they didn't go back in the thread? I would think that the person who reads the entire thread is the exception, rather than the norm, especially as the length of the thread increases.

You have been asking questions for days while saying that this isn't very interesting to you. And yet, here you are. Could it be my undeniable charm and good looks?


You don't think of yourself as a celebrity, fair enough but would it be likely that if I saw you walking down the street that I would recognize you?

I may be wrong, but I don't think I asked the nature of your relationship with Connie Woods. Could it be that you want people to know or ask more about your relationship with her?

I wasn't asking if you were old enough to be her father, per say. I was, more or less asking had you known her when she was in school and someone started a rumor about her, would you go to the school to set it straight? --Jumping to her defense.--

I enjoy wisecracks and sarcasm very much. More so than the "normal funny" that we see now. And I honestly didn't even see a "joke" there. Actually, it's rather hard to make me laugh. I see some of these comedians and "funny" shows and sit there, staring blankly wondering why everyone is laughing, b/c the joke or punchline was not funny to me. So, I guess my mistake for not "howling" along with everyone else. Which, by the way, was there someone here "howling" that I did not see? Not caring, I'll take your word that you have indeed made a Drill Instructor cry, and I too, enjoy witty insults.

Why would your friend feel that it was inappropriate to set the record straight on what was being said about her? I would think she'd be the best person to do it. Not only are people saying bad things about her, but it seems as if she has some fans on here and people saying nice things about her (case in point, i said nice things about her) does she feel that it is wrong to thank a stranger for defending her? Or is it wrong to comment back to a guy who is wearing out his VHS tape of a movie she was in b/c he enjoyed watching her so much, and say "Hey Bob, I really appreciate the nice things you said" or something to that effect? I don't see it's more "appropriate" for you to jump on and defend her rather than herself. Again, I mention that I think it's great that you're doing it and she has a good friend like you. But it is something she can do herself. I also don't see why it upsets her so much that someone has a negative comment about her. Of course it depends on the type of comment. But if they're commenting on how she was EDITED to look on Scott Baio's show, or her performance in a movie, or something to that effect, it should not bother her. If people are going to judge her by one thing they see her in, they aren't the kinds of "fans" anyone should have.

I feel honored that you want to be notified when I reply, for now. I'm on for a few minutes here and there throughout the day, unless I'm actually doing something, like talking with you.

And you are right, just because it seems as if you are talking to the same person, it doesn't mean you are. And no you were not addressing me. That's why I tried to let you know that I saw something you had said and was curious about something, so I asked my question. I try to read the whole thread before I stick my foot in my mouth. Usually, if I don't read the whole thread, because i don't have 8 hours to sit and read 47 pages, I'll say I didn't read the whole thing and I'll appologize if my comment was said or my question was asked.

And once again, I have to admit that you are right. I do keep responding to you b/c of your great looks. I think I'm going to print out your last reply and hang it on my wall so I can look at you all the time. And I didn't say that I'm not interested in our conversation. If it wasn't, I'd have ended my part and left it at that. I did mention that I wasn't a crazy fan who freaks out about celebrities. I'm speaking with you. I'm not talking about Scott Baio, who's a celebrity. I'm not actually talking about Connie Woods the actress. And to be honest, I've never heard of her and have NO clue who she is, other than seeing a conversation between her and Scott Baio on his show. I'm discussing the friendship between a stranger on a board and a stranger in his life and...i lost my train of thought and totally forgot what the hell i was thinking, so I'll let you know when I think of it again lol

But for now, I'm off to cook dinner and do some cleaning and I should be back later on to check on something i am waiting on. So if you would like to continue, I'll reply later on tonight. I'd like to be on when you are so that we don't have to wait long periods of time waiting for replies. I find it interesting talking to you.

Someone sent me a private message asking me why we were arguing. Are we arguing? I don't think we are. As far as I know, we're just discussing. maybe a small amount of debating, in a sense. but not arguing, at least not from my end. but I'm sure they'll read it here, so if you want to answer them, please have at it.

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Actually, my settings are for anyone responding to this thread, or anything I have said in any thread. Sorry to disappoint.

Connie and I were becoming friends before I had any awareness of her background in show business and she was unaware of mine. I knew that she was a friend of a friend and her wit and intelligence impressed me before I found out that she had been in movies and television. Several people have asked about the nature of the relationship and you seemed to be going in that direction, so I thought it was time to answer it concisely. Beyond making it clear that we are friends, not lovers, I will not go into details for anyone and will not discuss nor disclose any of Connie's personal business and I don't want to become the subject of this thread. This will be the last post I want to make with any discussion of me.

I doubt that you would recognize me on a street, though you might pick me out of a crowd. If I am asked for an autograph, it's almost always in a studio, or on a set between shooting scenes. It hasn't happened lately, because I have been staying away from in front of the cameras, doing more writing and voice characterizations. That may change, especially with some upcoming projects and offers. I still appear in comedy clubs and other onstage work, but mainly for fun.

It is not appropriate for celebrities (past or present) to engage the public in such discussions of their lives and it is pretty much unheard of to do so. If the tabloids found one doing it, there would be some very ridiculous things said -even more so than on some message boards. If someone wrote to her directly, she would likely write back and she would be gracious with a fan. However, it would be foolish for her to get involved with one of these forums. If she wants to respond directly and publicly, she will allow an interview, but she really doesn't want to do that at this time.

Interesting that you call Baio a "celebrity." That would please the little guy very much. He wants so very much to be one again. I really enjoyed the scene with the guy flirting with Renee's daughter who had no idea who Baio is/was. Scott was totally befuddled about how to handle that. This whole show is an effort to recover that celebrity status and it's failing miserably.


Actually, my settings are for anyone responding to this thread, or anything I have said in any thread. Sorry to disappoint.
I know. I was jokingly making myself feel good haha. Just let me have this lol.

I was not about to ask you if you two had a romantic relationship at any point. It doesn't concern me. I could care less who either of you sleep with.

I find it so retarded that celebrities can't talk to other people. In a way it sounds as if they think they're too good to talk to "normal" people. God forbid a celebrity talks to a "nobody". Please. They need to get over themselves.

You have just logged onto www.my_last_dam_nerve.com.


Some certainly do need to get over themselves. Baio is one of those and the tabloids are so loaded with stories of others every day. I avoid looking at them, only checking TMZ because they are at least entertaining. On the one hand, I'm so glad that most paparazzi don't even know my name and face, on the other hand, I would find it amusing as hell to play with them and compare notes on photography and check out their cameras.

The problem is not one of direct communication. Many in the business are very approachable. Some are total jerkwads. I could name some and tell stories, but not today.

The problem is that it's so easy for things to be taken out of context and twisted to make a story where there is none. The long past relationship between Scott and Connie is an example. They really haven't dated in years. The media is no longer concerned with accuracy these days, but merely sensationalism. When one is vulnerable to those factors, one learns to avoid being in the position.

Look at the current threads about the show and the way Connie has been abused and completely untrue and unflattering things said because of an incorrect premise. Baio knowingly said an untrue thing for sensational impact, to make himself look like the stud and for revenge over being rejected for continued intimacy a long time ago. People who know nothing of the facts took that and ran with it, then cruelly slammed Connie because she was not looking like she did twenty years ago, though I think that she is still a knockout. What they said made her feel bad and for what?

She is a brilliant and very sensitive woman and she doesn't need to be placed in the position of dealing with some of the crap said in message boards. Do you think that the jerks would have let up if they got a chance to trash her directly? If they attacked her in her weakened state, what good would that accomplish for her, or for anyone who cares about her? As it is, I was able to get some accounts, posts and threads deleted while responding in her behalf.

Besides, she has a daughter to raise, a book to complete and publish and her own health to look after. When that book comes out, she has to look forward to the interviews and talk show circuit, so she has to be looking her best again for the cameras. She is still a very busy lady.


You're still going on about Baio ???????


Nope. I never was. Did you simply fail to read what was being said?


I know what you've written but then I also see that you are still commenting on Baio.
Time to let go.


Let go of what? That boy is not even a matter of interest to me. I had started to say that he is at the bottom of my list, but he isn't even on the list at all.

My one and only concern on these boards has been (and continues to be) my friend. I have absolutely zero interest in anything not relating to her. If you can't understand that, you might want to work on your reading comprehension. Or, are you just b.s.ing around now?


Well, then maybe your obssession is Connie.
At the very least, this is what it's going to look like if it goes on and on.


"Obsession?" She is my friend, plain and simple. If you have any question in your mind about that, contact her directly and confirm it. Real friends stand by one another, or don't they do that where you come from?

If you consider backing up a friend an obsession, perhaps you have never had, or been, a real friend. In that case, you and those around you have my deepest sympathies.

If I was going to have an obsession, I can think of much worse obsessions that Connie. However, as I said, she is my friend -period. What is your obsession? Do you have a thing for Baio? Connie? Me?

Do you have an actual purpose here, or ar you just trying to buzz around and try to annoy people?



And now that you have admitted that goal, you are reported as a troll and in violation of the TOS. Bye bye, Sucker.


Stop biting everyone that says something that YOU don't like when it happens to be THEIR opinion.
I have as much right to express my feelings about you, Connie or Baio as you do.
Get down your high horses too. IMDB is NOT your kingdom. It's a board where people express their opinion. (As much as you would want them to be, not all opinions will happen to match yours).
I am usually nice to everyone I talk to on IMDB but you, you just happened to grate my nerves. (I bet you do the same to others in "real" life)


Since the moderators agree that your posts are those of an abusive troll, you take your chances and be prepared to pay the price. If you lose your account as a result, too bad.

Additionally, I will always jump in when someone attacks any friend. If you don't like it, that's too bad. Clearly YOU are the obsessed one. You have NO legitimate purpose in your posts.

Additionally, I have seen your other posts in other threads, before they were deleted. You are not telling the truth. You just like to talk a lot of trash and never have a clue about anything, usually presenting your opinions and fantasies as if they are supposed to be facts. Now, that's putting it very nicely. That garbage was always called lies in the past.


I really wonder what you're talking about ???????????????????????????????????


That's not surprising. You don't know what you're talking about, so how can you be expected to understand anyone else? The more you play with your keyboard, the more foolish and obsessed you look.


Seems as if I am not the only one who finds your constant mention of your friend Connie disturbing. I happen to agree with whitePeak, you do SEEM a bit obsessed. I doubt anyone here really cares enough to "contact her directly and ask her" if you come across as a little weird. We see it, we know it, we believe it. The more you mention the same old things over and over again, the more obvious it is.

By the way, if you report someone, most times they don't read what was said, they just delete the post. So it's not the moderator's agreeing with you for not liking the fact that someone disagreed with you. And btw, you do seem to come across like you think you're above us little people.

Uh oh, hope my opinion doesn't get reported! God forbid I don't agree with someone 100% and have an opinion of my own.

You have just logged onto www.my_last_dam_nerve.com.


Why would your "opinion" be important to me? People making claims about my friend and reporting them as "facts" would be of some concern. You would prefer your imagination to learning the truth. We have a saying about opinions. Maybe you can figure out what it is, or take a guess.

I was asked to look out for my friend's interest on these boards an others. This is the only thread with anyone still commenting. Odd, but now you and your little friend seem to be more obsessed with me and my relationship to someone who is a good friend and I already said that it is strictly platonic.

If that is what consumes your mind, then it would seem that I am above you. You see, while you were spending time on this, I came up with the concept for a new comedy series, registered it, developed it and started hiring more writers and other key people for the crew and you will see it next season.

And now, I leave you to your life. I kept my promise to my friend and I have no further interest here. I have work to do and money to make and spend -two things I really enjoy.


I have always wondered what people think they're reading. I always see comments and replies to stuff that wasn't mentioned. It amazes me that people can see one thing but think it's something totally different. I didn't know it only took a few minutes to think of, develop, register, interview and hire crew for a TV series. No wonder there's so many sh!tty shows on TV now. Now I know it's because the whole process only takes a few minutes.

You have just logged onto www.my_last_dam_nerve.com.


I thought you'd be silly enough to say that and you didn't disappoint me. I meant over the period of weeks that this thread has been online.

I won't bother to break it down, since you obviously wouldn't even come close to comprehending. However, thinking of something actually doesn't take long for people with the ability and functioning synapses. Registration takes minutes; it's done online now and it's only a matter of uploading to a database. Developing can be done quite fast, again for those with the ability and an understanding of the subject. That's why I hire writers who know the subject.

I don't have to interview for a crew; people are always wanting to work for me and I simply hire key people who know what I want and expect and then I let them do their jobs. If anyone lets me down, I have no problem with replacing them in a seamless manner.

Now, that ends any conversation with you.


Again, trying to insult me. I knew there'd be an attempted jab in there somewhere. As far as not comprehending anything, I'm pretty sure most of your posts are uncomprehendable. You reply to stuff that is obviously not said. As you tend to read what you want and what's not there.

Oh how I'll miss your pointless obsessive posts on your relationship with Connie. Wonder how long until there's a restraining order on ya.

You have just logged onto www.my_last_dam_nerve.com.


Gosh... you were right on the money here.... no wonder we have so many stupid shows on TV when it only takes a few minutes to thin them up.... LOL
JBJOKER sounded like he/she loves to toot his/her own horn (way too much)



I think a very angry ex. she is pretty cute, but, angry.
