MovieChat Forums > Scott Baio Is 45... And Single (2007) Discussion > Since when did 'Growing up' mean 'Gettin...

Since when did 'Growing up' mean 'Getting Married'

Am I the only guy who's watching this show and thinking, why should he get married?

The guy is rich and famous, and he can sleep with beautiful women whenever he wants. The real reason why he doesn't want to get married is because there's really no good reason for him to get married.

If a man is rich, he can sleep with 21 year old until the day he dies. Men can get sex and companionship without marriage, so there's really no reason for us to get married.

When you think about it, marriage benefits women and children, but not men.

What do you think?

(oh, don't forget to include your age and sex)
I'm 26 and male.


That road runs both ways.

How does marriage benefit women any more than it does men?

There must be some sort of perceived benefit to both parties, or else why do it? (As an aside, on average, married men live longer than single men. Not sure about women.)

One thing is for sure, it certainly isn't just for the physical aspects. Anyone can get that anywhere.

Marriage (in some variety of forms) has been an institution across all cultures throughout history--and, continues today, despite the availability of sex, and the reduction in the stigma of single parenthood, etc.

Interesting questions.


I agree with the idea that growing up doesn't have to mean getting married. I've always been bothered by the idea that it's just part of this normal progression of life: grow up, meet a man, get married, have lots of babies. Someone can be happy, mature, and "grown up" without being married. And it can also go the other way. Someone can be married but still be stupid and immature. They're not mutually exclusive.

That being said, I see no problem in other people wanting to get married. Why did Scott want to get married? Because he wanted to settle down and be married. And I think that's perfectly respectable. I don't like that the show equated marriage with growing up, but if that's his particular idea of being a grown up, then more power to him. Sure, he could be a bachelor for the rest of his life and continue to sleep with 21 year-olds. But he had clearly tired of that lifestyle and wanted something different. That's why he hired a life coach in the first place. He must have seen some benefit in committing to one woman.

I'm 20 and female. So not all women are ga-ga over marriage.

"All that we have before us is violence.....and our relentless pursuit of candy."


I agree with you. Once my son asked me if he had to get married when he grows up and I told him that he absolutely did not. I also told him not to allow someone to pressure him to do so. I have told both my children that they never have to get married or have kids if they don't want to. I won't be the mom that pressures my kids to "give me grandkids" because ultimately I'm not the one who has to raise them.

When you look at it, there is no reason for anyone to get married. I love my husband but if anything ever happened to him or we split up I would never get married again.

For the record, women can get sex and companionship without being married and be happy that way. It doesn't take a signed marriage certificate to get us going!

I'm 38, female, and married for 15 years.



Scott should marry John.
