MovieChat Forums > Scott Baio Is 45... And Single (2007) Discussion > Finally! A reality show that's 'real'

Finally! A reality show that's 'real'

No b.s. or trying to act for the cameras, just real people with real issues laying it all out there. I mean, when Johnny V showed up in his pajamas and pork-pie hat you know that wasn't thought out. The camera crew waiting with scott at his club for his gang to arrive, one of whom (Jason Hervey) is the director and was oblivious to where scott had ran off to, was just so genuine. The fact that all the music in Scott's world(including what's playing on his car radio) is from the 80's, when Baio was last relevant. When they are looking at a new house, there was nothing weird abouthis fiancee mysteriously got 7 more months pregnant the day after her first ultra-sound, that was natural (by the way who is he kidding, Chachi in Charge royalties could never pay that house). The date at the restaurant was so real that even the other patrons never even noticed the cameras.


Ha, thanks for this. I was scared when I saw your post's title, but you're so right. This is one of the most ridiculously un-real reality shows out there. It's so awkward.


Wow, I never would have guessed the "woman" in the hotel was his psych. I thought he was going to sleep with a bimbo, right there in front of the cameras, days before his wife was about to give birth. This show is soooo unpredictable

