Creepy Crawlies Johnny

Why is Scott Baio friends with this psycho? He's like an obsessed stalker. Is he in love with Scott? I don't understand this weirdo at all, but he makes me sick to my stomach every time I see him. Scott shouldn't allow him to be near Renee or the baby.



I think he's just pathetic and needs Scott to get girls. It's really sad.


Oh my gosh, all the times I've been to Vegas, I've never heard anybody yell "Vegas baby!!" so much. What planet is this guy from?



Vegas stinks! The slots and gambling are rigged!!!


Well, I've been seven times - got married there on my sixth trip. And I hadn't heard it either. Of course, there were no cameras around wherever I was either. ;-)




Scott needs to grow a pair. My 10 year old has more balls than this guy. His wife, nurse, teenage kid AND a baby boss him around. It's pathetic.



That's why I think it's ridiculous to blame the nanny for all the issues in the house. Scott brings all his misery on himself, he doesn't deal with problems, he MAKES problems. You don't want to make the necessary sacrifices to have a family? Then don't have a baby! Don't get married! You can't get something for nothing, jerk.

To thine own self be true.
