Renee actually lost a twin...

It said in the lastest issue of In Touch that Scott and Renee actually lost of on the babies and that Bailey was really a twin. Also, Renee was on bed rest for the last part of her pregnancy and Bailey was five weeks early. I'm wondering if the twin was lost early on. So sad but at least they still have one baby to love. She is adorable in the pics!



You must be new to Message Boards to think this is odd behavior! Not to offend you, but this is such the norm on all these boards - I was a member of Usenet for years and after awhile, you just get desensitized to the hate and negativity. But thank you for your sweet comment to me nonetheless. :-)



Wow being a twinless twin - you knew exactly how long it took your parents to get over the grieving of losing your sister/brother since you know it takes no more than six months? I did not realize that was the given amount of time to grieve for losing a child! I need to tell my friend that lost his ten year old daughter to cancer a few years ago that it was time to get over it a year and a half ago! I'm sure he'll agree with me and thank me profusely for showing him the light. And I'll make sure to credit you when he does so.

And sorry, didn't see any posts discussing Renee losing the twin on here and since the In Touch magazine article talking about it just came out *last* Friday, thought it was current news. I don't understand why you just didn't skip this post since you already knew about it as it was "discussed" here?


Hey,everyone's different. My friend's brother had a twin who miscarried at a few months, and it didn't bother his mother at all. For her it was a fetus at that point. For others there'd be a funeral service and the whole nine yards.

And that, as they say, was that...


You have a point. So what you're saying is that no one really knows how long they grieve except the person doing the grieving, right?



Yes, rjrsj1, that's my point. :)

And that, as they say, was that...



Scott and I lost our twin ( we did NOT know the sex) at the same time as his father Mario died, it took awhile to hit us, and yes we still hurt over it. Everytime we look at our little Bailey it reminds us of our loss. Scott DID chose to do a TV show, but we NEVER wanted the public to know about our loss, as it was private, UNTIL THE RAG-MAG INQUIRER SAID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. They also hurt us by reporting that we loss the twin at 5 1/2 months which was NOT true...... also yes we got pregnant the old fashion way, all natural and yes Scott wanted to start a family as he had me going to the Dr. as far back as Oct. 2006....


Okay - guess we got our answer. But you have to understand if alot of people on here don't believe you're Renee. Anybody can be anybody on a mesage board. If this is you, I'm so sorry for your loss. It kills me to read on here from people that seem to think it's not a big deal when someone loses a child, whether they're a month old or ten years old - especially from the ones that aren't even parents to begin with.



I'm referring to anyone that thinks losing a child is no big deal and there's a deadline on grieving. That's just ridiculous.



You said it's been six months so they are not "actively grieving". Where did they joke about losing one of their babies? Please cite your source. And unless you've gone through losing a child early on in pregnancy and a living child - which both are btw - not just the one that comes *out* of the vagina - you don't have a clue.



Have you ever thought that this was BEFORE she lost the baby as in "good thing we're not having twins!" kinda thing? Good Lord - common sense would tell you that.

So I'm getting this correctly - your friend's experiences = everyone else's grieving process? Okay, gotcha.



I think you need to get your ears checked....... I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT TWO PAPERS............ AT THE DRIVING RANGE JASON HERVEY KIDDINGLY SAYS TO SCOTT, "AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T GET TWO PAPERS" HE DIDN'T KNOW THAT WE HAD JUST LOST OUR BABY. The reason Jason was joking about two papers is because HE HAS TWINS !!!!!! Now what else can you make up about me, or tell me what or how I'm feeling after our loss........................ LOSER......



If it were the real Renne she would be using her real IMDB account. i.e.

She is just an upset fan. I don't know why any Woman would want to be with Scott Baio.

Music Vid:


That's not a user account. Its an actor listing. There's no way for actors to log into their page. They have to make a user account like we have.



What do you mean? Anyone can come up with a name and post here - it doesn't matter who you are. I'm not understanding.



Of course everyone here does know that in these “reality” shows things are often edited, changed, manipulated, taken out of context for the sake of television mainly because reality in general isn’t always that interesting?

I’m having a hard time understanding why it seems people watch these “reality” shows and take everything people say and do on them as gospel.

When the hurly-burly's done. When the battle's lost and won.



Okay I am definitely going with this is not Renee'. So I am going to take back what I said about her earlier (because I thought it was her) but I can see this dummy can't even spell Enquirer! lmao...

So to the real Renee' I apologize if I said something to offend you, I should have given it some thought that it wasn't you coming on here being a psychopath.

I do think the girl posing as Renee is deeply disturbed and maybe should be reported, what if she is stalking them or something???



And I've known people that it has devastated them when they lost a baby early on so I guess each their own. We can't answer for Renee and Scott, I do know that.

I don't ignore anything - I enjoy the show! Afterall, isn't that the purpose of signing up for his message board on here? I mean why else waste my time on here if I didn't like it?




If Scott grew up, they wouldn't have a show, now would they? They have to pay for that house somehow. Jason Hervey is *not* dumb.


If Scott grew up, they wouldn't have a show, now would they? They have to pay for that house somehow. Jason Hervey is *not* dumb.

Exactly. As I said before, actually reality isn’t all that interesting for a lot of folks and VH1 is looking for ratings and future seasons. Unfortunately, people don’t want to watch the well grounded, responsible person who keeps drama out of his life and for the most part is nice to everyone. They want to see the witch and the jerk and the drama. They like to see train wrecks.

I do think shows like this have to find the right balance because too much extreme drama starts to get annoying, which is what I’m assuming some of you are suggesting is happening with this show. But honestly, the constant whining Scott does in no surprise to me.

When the hurly-burly's done. When the battle's lost and won.


Well, if the child loses it's mother to cancer, they'll get over it in six months. :-)
