Great book, movie ugh.

What the hell, SMG, has no depth to play this role, in her attempt to act slightly crazy, it just looked too forced. I cringed everytime she would come onto the screen.

Only person that did well was the Psychologist.

6/10, SMG acting wasn't the problem, it's the fact that she doesn't suit this role.


Not just SMG ( who i dont like ) but the movie skips some important parts of the book...


Yeah, although this movie had a very profound message, I found many parts of it were too cheesey and cliched. I totally agree, SMG does not suit the role one bit at all.


Are you people on crack? Gellar saved this movie. She gave such a powerful performance...probably my favorite of all-time. If this film would've gotten a bigger release in 2009, she'd probably have Mirren's nomination this year.




You do realize - I hope - that nobody's gonna take you seriously (even if you would deserve it) when you're trying to defend an actress whose last name can be found in your IMDb username, don't you?


I was thinking the same thing. An obsessed fan with her name in their imdb name, who being indignant about criticism of her crap performance isn't exactly credible


I liked Sarah Michelle Gellar in this movie, thought her performance was good. It might not be Oscar worthy but I didn't think it was bad.
