has anyone seen this yet?
Because how are people voting for it? If so what were your thoughts?
shareBecause how are people voting for it? If so what were your thoughts?
shareI did.. and Sarah Michelle Gellar lacks a lot as an actress..
A few times I thought I was watching Scream or IKWYDLS..
Well according to Paulo Coelho she was perfect in the role. I know she is a great actress and I'll decide when I see the film, but one person who maybe didn't understand the script or acting is not going to slur my judgment.
sharei did understand.. i felt it lacked the power that the book had.. and the ending sucked big time.. sorry..
just because someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't she/he didn't get the script bitch
Any chance you could be a bit more precise than "it sucked big time"?
Since you mention your English, I have to ask: When you say "occasionally", do you mean that she is sometimes seen nude or that she is nude but nothing is shown?
when you say there are 2 scenes where she appears nude, do you actually see her naked breasts and/or lower body? I must say I am shocked that she does a nude scene. I never thought she would do it
Nope, no nudity from Sarah.
shareI'd love a review, please.
I gave it a five. I think it's the kind of movie that's made for actors, but not necessarily the audience.
shareI saw it a few weeks back, and tbh, I left feeling kind of disappointed, not for Sarah's lack of skill (She is full of emotion as Veronika) but for the film's editing, it was horrible.
I'm sure they could have patched together a more coherent story versus what I saw. I mean sarah and Jonathan's chemistry was great and their relationship was culpable, but otherwise I felt the film lacked the atmosphere I experienced while reading the book.
I mean it's hard to get a good movie version of a book and it must be ten times harder getting a terrific film out of an amazing book.
Sarah was perfect for the role, I read it after finding out she was Veronika, so that helped. She was great as I expected, but the film itself fell short of my expectations.
I'd say it's worthy of a 6/10.
Erika Christensen was wasted, definitely.
I felt Melissa Leo was terrific too.:)
Kickin' A$$ & Jackin' names.
R.I.P Rue Mclanahan 1934 - 2010
It is excellent. See my thread BRILLIANT BLURAY.