yes, you can make a good movie with a bad script
In film school, teachers always said: "you can’t make a good movie with a bad script". I believed them without a doubt until today, because "Veronika Decides to Die" can be the exception to the rule. For my point of view the movie has a very bad script (we must be fair with Larry Gross; you can’t make a good script based on a self help book).
But I think that the script is the only lack of this film: “veronica Decides to Die” is a very stylistic film, the photography is good, the music is great, the director creates beautiful images and a poetic atmospheres and the performances are very good (In this movie Sarah Michelle Gellar proves that she can act and give us her best performance ever). Besides she is beautiful; time is erasing her childish look and is letting us to see her new mature and enigmatic beauty).
Give this movie a chance before you judge.