How many people (spoiler?)

How many people can actually afford to stay in a place like that for YEARS???????

The people that need it are lucky to get 5 days!!!

This makes me so angry!!!!



Depending on your insurance play, it may be mostly covered. Group medical plans have far less exclusions than private party plans.


Out of curiousity, what insurance would cover a year inpatient?

I support 1-800-SUICIDE / WWW.IMALIVE.ORG / WWW.HOPELINE.COM - and you can too!


In Europe its covered by public healthcare. No need for special insurance coverage.


Also, group health insurance plans have an annual "out of pocket max". Mine is $2500 a calendar year.


Do they have a yearly limit on days inpatient?

I support 1-800-SUICIDE / WWW.IMALIVE.ORG / WWW.HOPELINE.COM - and you can too!


If she was "committed" to a facility...that changes everything too. Trying to charge a committed person any money is an impossibility, watch it go to collections and begone in never neverland.

It ends up being passed onto taxpayers.



In short, there are ways to "pull strings" and "cook the books."

Both of Veronika's parents were wealthy and probably got her in that facility for free.

That's also why Al Sharpton owes $2-4 million in back taxes, is bankgrupt, but is neither on the streets begging for money or doing time in federal prison.


It depends on where you're from and what kind of insurance (or out of pocket money) you have.

I have a friend in CT who stayed in an even better place than this for eight months compared to a friend in Chicago who was maxed out in two weeks. Both had insurance, both were suffering the same thing, but one had money.

Trust me, it frustrates me so much as well! As a paramedic, we see so many people who need help but no one is willing to help them without insurance except for free clinics which are maxed out 98% of the time.

I've heard that Canada, Europe and Australia are better when it comes to health care.

"Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose."
