Weren't Challengers of the Unknown a Kirby creation? Was that ever confirmed or disproved? I only know of them as Kirby's pre-FF adventurer quartet.
Interesting point of view that it's important to you that the characters are introduced in a certain film. I tend to give the films a lot of leeway, because I understand that with a film, you can give at best each hero 1 story every 2 years, and can only put out a total of 3 or 4 stories per year. With comics every character can have 12 comics a year-- really popular ones can have 50 or more-- and the overall universe is comprised of dozens of titles. When Iron Man hit, Downey became the de facto face of the MCU, and the limited amount of story-telling opportunities more or less forced them to center stories around him. In a perfect world they could have perhaps had a Hank Pym trilogy of films alongside the original Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, and Thor films, and more closely mirrored the comics, but film is film.
The Fantastic Four were unfortunately unavailable until recently, so some of their adversaries have been doled out to others, but I'm still interested to see where the MCU takes them. I have my own ideas about how they should do it, but I have faith that whatever they do will be worth watching.