The Title Says it all

It is with great amusment that I recall first hearing of the the title of this (then) upcoming movie. Never having heard of the book and not knowing exactly what it was about, I started to make wild assumptions about the title being a metaphor for a Manager or consultant providing services (the "Water") to V.I.Ps. (the "Elephants"). The VIPs would most likelly be political figures or celebrities, I thought. But no, I was wrong. I really was about a guy bringing water to elephants lol. Ok, to be fair there may be a little bit more to it than just that, but it just goes to show that while sometimes a movie title can be missleading, there are other times such as this, where you can read too much into a title, instead of taking it at face value, lol.


Actually the whole point of the title is that you can't carry water for elephants. They require way too much. Anyone who says they carry water for elephants is a liar, thus you're left wondering if Jacobs story is true or not.


In the movie the guys on the train are making fun of Jacob when they ask him if he can carry water for the elephants as he is so naive he doesn't know that you can't carry water for elephants.

In the book Jacob is in the old folks home and gets upset when another man is saying how he worked in a circus and carried water for elephants. Jacob knows he is lying.
