MovieChat Forums > Boyhood (2014) Discussion > Memories of the LOUD FAMILY

Memories of the LOUD FAMILY

In the early 70's PBS did the very first Reality Show ever called An American Family. It is something like 13 hours of documentary filming of an Upper Class California family falling apart. During the show the mother asks for a separation, the son, Lance Loud 'came out' to his parents and the ratings were huge even without these Big Moments. the Loud family were real and Boyhood is fictional but the fact that three hours of 'everyday life' is excruciating boredom to many shows a shocking lack of interest in the countless small touches that make this film worthwhile (gestures, a look, an article of clothing, words said in anger etc.). I love it.


I remember the Loud Family. What an original idea that was and look what we have now. All these crappy reality shows that keep popping up. It was interesting watching footage of a family living their lives back in 1967.

As I said in another post Boyhood was a waste of time. When I watch a film I want to get something out of it but I turned off Boyhood.
