Camilla's plans

Is it just me or is Camilla really bad at scheming? It's like she never thinks ahead and is incapable of seeing through her husband's plans. I don't know about you but I like my villains to be a bit more calculating.


If I'm understanding what's going on correctly, Camilla seems to have put herself in a position where her husband can cut off her cocaine supply at will. It does seem hard to believe that she hadn't made a contingency plan around this...she had to figure he would cut her off if there were any problems. Which doesn't seem all that far-fetched since she basically has left him marriage-wise.


...well, lesson here is to always have a rainy day fund of coke.

obviously, camilla didn't plan far enough ahead for the war with her husband.


She did have a contingency plan ... buying direct from the Colombians. What she failed to anticipate was that her husband would rat her out to the DEA. It was a big risk on his part. If it ever gets out that he was the informant behind the drug bust, he is going to have all kinds of problems with the Columbian cartel.


What bothers me actually is her character's inconsistency. When she got her husband's right-hand man, Cesar and her men opted to kill him, she refused but then decided to send him back to Epifano knowing fully well that he might most likely spill.

At that point it seemed like she had all the angles worked out now all of a sudden she is not even considering the option that Cesar might have talked. She appears too naive for her character.


You are right OP, Camilla is really bad at scheming. She let Cesar go, knowing he would spill to Epifanio - and she had no back up plan when Cesar spilled the beans. When Epifanio heard about Camilla's plans, he warned the Columbian connection not to sell to her. If she had killed Cesar, Epifanio would not know that she is dealing directly with the Columbians as her back-up connection ... or Tereasa's location, or that Tereasa is working for her.

Epifanio also gets his drugs from the Columbians, yet Epifanio set up the DEA to intercept when the Columbian's tried to deliver to Camilla. Camilla has not figured out that Epifanio and Cesar are behind the whole thing.

NOW, she is considering giving Tereasa to Epifanio for five million dollars in order to pay the Columbians...instead of telling the Columbians that Epifanio and Cesar were responsible for the loss of their drugs. But, of course, she has not figured that out yet.

So far, Camilla does not know why Tereasa is so important to Epifanio...and why he may be willing to pay that much money to get her back.

Camilla is in the wrong business. She is not good at this. I also think that she over-estimates her charm and sex appeal. The men she is dealing with are all about business, and they have no sexual interest in her AT ALL.


Hear hear. Yes to everything you said!


Camilla is in the wrong business. She is not good at this. I also think that she over-estimates her charm and sex appeal. The men she is dealing with are all about business, and they have no sexual interest in her AT ALL.

I don't think she's in the wrong business. She simply has had it easy. I think her being foiled a few times is going to light a fire. I can't wait see if she will be able to pull off what they are planning to do with the guys from Miami.

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama


i also dont understand how she can convince a money manager that dealing with her will make him super rich then buy 4 bentleys and fill at least 1 with cash yet not be able to come up with 5 million dollars.


Yeah, I was a little confused by that, as well, but I'm assuming that Camilla has likely gotten used to spending ridiculous amounts of money, as the cash flow has been consistent for a long time. It hasn't been until these recent problems with her supply that she's likely ever experienced money issues, or at least she hasn't in a long time. I'm assuming that she has gotten "cocky" with her lifestyle, what with the business man's generous salary and her "gifts" to her potential new clients. She didn't expect the $5M debt, and she had no means to make that up. I think we should also consider her potential other bills like her mansion, cars, club, etc. Bitch is a big spender, and I guess it has finally bit her in the ass.

While I understand everyone's frustration with Camilla for not suspecting Epifanio right away, I don't thinks she is naive or in the wrong business. I, too, just think she has been able to do business a certain way for such a long time that she isn't as accustomed to dealing with the problems she's currently seeing. She should have seen this coming, yes, but I can understand why she was fooled by Epifanio. I don't believe she ever expected him to contact the DEA and risk his reputation like that, risking his bread and butter, and with him having his own supply issues, as well, I can realistically understand why she didn't immediately jump to that conclusion. I love this show, and Camilla is one of my favorite characters, so maybe I'm biased.
