Nope they were not going to do that. On the contrary, they were prepared to completely let them go because they could not determine at the time if they were bluffing or not. Brenda and co could have simply returned to Victor and picked up her son. They had nothing on them until Brenda opened her stupid mouth.. Then they could just kill Theresa, keep Brenda and threaten that if the book goes public they would kill her son.
There is no way around this, it has got to be the most stupid thing ever that she did..Its even more unbelievable when you now that she is supposed to be street smart and has been shown to use her smarts before. For example: when she dared Tony, who was looking for Theresa at the time, to go ahead and kill her drug buddies because she knew that she had the edge and was bold enough to play such a risky card..
This is the Brenda we know.. she grew up and lived with men like these.. so for her to turn around and do something so outlandishly stupid..Its totally disappointing.
I suspect the producers are trying to force a certain outcome but in the process, they are totally skewing the show's characters.
If they are going to be completely practical, Theresa should be shot in the back and Brenda and Son kept for leverage until they get their hands on the book, THE END.