'Sister' Mary John

What kind of nun dresses in mini-skirts? I mean seriously, just ABIT of modesty in an office which is supposed to show marriage to the God. I laughed out loud when he said 'Sister' to her.

However, this series rocks.


This is the new, inproved, Roman Catholic Church post Vatican II. Nuns have gotten trendier. I guess her character gets to be a bit flamboyant because of her past.


Could also be done so she can relate better to those to whom she ministers---younger, troubled girls.


As someone who attended parochial school in the 1950s and early Sixties, I, too, was surprised by the miniskirt. I know in the post-Vatican Era nuns often go "plainclothes" these days, especially young nuns working in places like the one Sister Mary John works in; but miniskirts? (And showing off a pretty nice pair of gams, too.) As I recall this character appears in a couple of Robert B. Parker's novels (at least one appearance in a Spenser novel and at least one in either a Jesse Stone or Sunny Randall novel, if I recall correctly) but in my memory she is described as wearing sweat clothes or other non-glamorous attire. I was also surprised by Jesse asking her out on what seemed to be some kind of date. Maybe she'll teach Jesse a variation on the Missionary Position.


FWIW, I was on a beach one time, and this lady and I got to talking. She was dressed in a sleeveless blouse and a modest pair of shorts. She was an attractive lady and I asked her what she did and she told me that she was a nun. It seems that certain orders permit their members to wear modest street clothes.

If memory serves, this was in the mid-1970's. Also, one of the profs at Seattle U, a Jesuit school, about the same time-frame, was a nun and she wore street clothes.

So, Sister Mary John wearing street clothes was not as far-fetched as some might think.


Clearly you have no idea what a mini skirt is.

The nun was wearing a knee length skirt.


Agreed, it wasn’t short enough to be a mini-skirt. However, I did find it interesting that Sister Mary had a walk that really wiggled the bait. Check out the scene with her and Jesse as they walk down a hall toward the camera. Va va voom. Still, I think it adds extra shadings to the character.


Yeah it's absurd. It's even more absurd that she flirts with him in this one and agrees to go out for a meal. I know in these movies every woman he meets tries to jump his bones but come on.
