MovieChat Forums > Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning (2008) Discussion > Maybe a petition to Disney might salvage...

Maybe a petition to Disney might salvage the wreck...

I just thought of this...

I'm not a huge fan of Disney as of late, but I am glad that they've undertaken The Chronicles of Narnia series.

Disney has some part to play in the original Anne Movies.

I wonder, greedy as they are, if a significant interest in a genuine rendition of the Anne series would prompt Disney to do it justice. I think, even if it wasn't perfect, Disney might respect the fans enough to make them happy, especially if money was connected to that happiness.

And if not Disney, maybe Walden Media? Or some other big name production studio?



This has already been filmed, so they can't really change anything now. Plus, Sullivan didn't like Disney's interference in his past projects.


Well, I knew Sullivan had already filmed, but so did the BBC and the Chronicles of Narnia (Not saying it was bad, but it WAS improved upon with Disney/Walden Media's help)

And I'm not suggesting Disney get 'involved', I'm suggesting they do their own series version. It will be hard combating the original Sullivan movie(s) but they could find a way to pull it off I think :)


Don't listen to the nah-sayers... A petition can still be made and should be... there is a site on the internet that you can post petitions on. I say gang up and halt the production. BIGGER names than Hershey's have been thrown off the film set before. LETS DO IT. I Find Megan Follows absence sickening... and I question anyone who upholds it.... and those that are making this piece of garbage without her. They are taking the very heart of the series away. HELP PLEASE HEEEELP. I will do whatever it takes. Write back inferno and I will check this posting A-Sap. It all starts here... they read these things you know....
