Do you think they are going to film this on Prince Edward Island like the others?
shareOne can only hope.
"FRA-GEE-LAY. That's Italian!"
"I think that says 'fragile', honey."
Actually, all three Anne films were filmed almost entirely in southern Ontario (namely, Toronto, Uxbridge, and Hamilton). Only 'establishing' long shots--light houses, cliffs, etc--were filmed in P.E.I. (incidentally, this was also the case for Road To Avonlea).
This new film was filmed predominantly (according to a filming blog) in southern Ontario as well.
Incidentally, the University of Toronto campus was used repeatedly in all three films. For example:
1) U of T's Victoria College building represented the college where Anne and Gilbert write their exams in the first film. (The interior of this building is also used in the Road To Avonlea film 'Happy Christmas Mrs. King'. A ball at which Aunt Hetty collapses is held there)
2) U of T's University College building represented the embassy in France, where Anne seeks the whereabouts of Gilbert in the (crappy) third film. (This building, oddly enough, is also featured in both Urban Legend, and The Hulk)
3)U of T's Knox College is used in a wedding scene in the third film (and in the Road to Avonlea series)
4) University of Toronto's Osgoode Law Library features in all three films actually. Most recently, in the third film, its exterior represents the embassy in France that I referred to earlier. (This building also features heavily in the movie musical 'Chicago' and 'Cinderella Man')
Also, Toronto's historical 'Distillery District' is used many times in the Anne films. In all three films (and in Road to Avonlea), it stands in as a shipping port, despite the fact, that it is not right on the water. This same location also stands in for parts of France in the third Anne movie. It also stands in as London when Aunt Hetty visits there in Road To Avonlea.
Hope you enjoyed the info. Cheers.