Gilbert killed in WWII???!?!?!?!?!

Ok so I just read the plot summery and it states that Gilbert was killed as a doctor in WWII. NOW i'm getting mad. I was open to this movie and have remained so until now. If this is true this is the biggest slap in the face to fans possible. I need someone to confirm or deny this.

PS the movie is already available for pre-order online at Sullivan's DVD website.

Please someone tell me this is not true.....


Hi, I had the same reaction just now. I saw that and I was like, "WTF?!" (sorry I don't usually swear except in moments like those...)

Gilbert doesn't even die in the books!!!

HE'S MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER aside from Matthew and Marilla. Again, WTF?!?!



The headstone does reveal that Dr. Gilbert John Blythe died on Aug 19 1942, killed in action during the Canadian (allied) invasion of Dieppe. However, archival footage of J. Crombie is featured. You are aware of the Kevin Sullivan vs. the Estate of LMM lawsuits right?


Kinda aware, but not as much as i'd like to be. Can you fill us in?

This is just really honestly very upsetting to anyone whose been a fan of these movies and books for years. I didn't honestly mind the third film. I found it just to be a good movie. More so if you look at it as something seperate somewhat from the other films, but i'm starting to think I won't be able to do that with this film..... :/


My mom wanted to watch this when it was shown, so I ended up watching too. I guess we would have been better off having watched CBC's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer if I could have convinced her not to watch this new movie. The way this movie starts is with Anne being treated like dirt at the nut house she is at, with the crazy people opening her suitcase and then the people in charge burn her books and label her as a person who will face damnation because he dad is viewed as a criminal. If it didn't seem sad enough that Anne was an orphan, that she was treated like dirt makes me angry. And the religious zealots angered me so much that I could hurt that woman. [mad]

And overall, I feel a lot of things are opened that are closed up. Even movie 3 closed things up. From the start, I was thinking that even if Anne came to a sad point in her life, she would eventually end up at the train station with Matthew picking her up or that she is on the doorstep of Green Gables and that the story would move back into the circle of story we knew. I suppose it's a good thing it didn't with the feeling that we're all left with at the end of this movie.

Vionnet and the housekeeper continue to be bitter people don't care about other people. I guess Anne did not have the reach of making people better that she did in the other two mini-series.

-- Anyhow, Anne is widowed and so Gilbert is therefore, dead.

But there also seems to be issues with how things in movie 3 happened in movie 4. And thinking of Anne in the first 2 parts, and even movie 3, Anne does not seem the type to hide her past like this and the sadness in it. It would come up with Gilbert that her father left her, especially when she has a family and the kids might wonder why they have no grandfather and grandmother on their mother's side.

And if people are still wondering why Kevin Sullivan has to come back to this series, maybe this is his only real success.

