Ummm... no.... *SPOILERS*

So yea... finally gave in and watched this blemish to the Anne of Green Gables saga, and boy, it was awful. THIS is not the Anne Shirley I fell in love with. Why can't writers and directors stick to the books? Why is that sooooooooooooooo freakin' hard? The first 2 movies were absolutely amazing (even though they took certain liberties with the books [what movie doesn't?], they were still good).

And while the 3rd movie, "The Continuing Story" went off on its own little tangent that skewed GREATLY from the books, I could still stomach it becuz all of our favorite actors reprised their roles. But this? This screwed with the WHOLE story from the very freakin' beginning!

Anne wasn't an orphan? Quoi? Her father was alive ALL this time and NEVER tried to contact her through more than a letter sent to Marilla? And how did he find out she was at Green Gables? Her father married the psycho bitch that left his daughter behind to then be put into the whole adoption predicament? And if this "friend" of her father's is the one that left her with the Hammond's, then why wasn't she the one Mrs. Hammond contacted to come pick up Anne when Mr. Hammond died?

NONE of this made any freakin' sense at all to the whole Anne story! And hadn't Anne been in a couple of other homes prior to going to the Hammond's (not the ones mentioned in this movie)? Cuz I remember from the original 2 movies Anne prattling on about all of the kids that she had to take care of before coming to Green Gables.

So yea... I was soooooooooooooooooooooooo not at all impressed with this movie. It was terrible. I thought Kevin Sullivan struck out with "The Continuing Story", but he didn't even get a hit off of this one. If you LOVE the original 2 movies as much as I do, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME watching this crap movie.



totally agree with you, I had such a hard time making sense of this!!!


Why can't writers and directors stick to the books? Why is that sooooooooooooooo freakin' hard?

Because the family of L.M. Montgomery took Kevin Sullivan to court and won.



Ok, it's been close to 6 months since you posted, but I'll give it a shot.

Copywrite law says that about 70 years after a book is published, you can use characters, settings, etc and it will not be a violation of the copywrite. LMM's heirs filed suit agains KS for unpaid profits from the first two movies and won. At the same time I believe they were able to win a judgement that would not allow KS to make any movies off of any of the original source material, which is why Anne 3 and Anne 4 are so completely different than the books, KS can use characters, settings etc, but not the plots.

Are you my Stalin, Dwight?


That's what I don't understand. The first Anne movie was made in 1985, well after copyright over Anne should have expired, so why were Montgomery's heirs able to sue Sullivan and win?

Will their copyright over Anne ever expire?

Could Sullivan skirt them by relocating to the USA and make movies here, since Anne is public domain in the USA?

"House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!"


I'm watching this movie now, and man I agree, it sucks. The acting is awful, and it's so boring. :( Such a disappointment after watching the original Anne of Green Gables...I know it's not supposed to be the same storyline, but my gosh!

Gus: “I believe it’s called a tweet.”
Shawn: “There’s no way I’m saying that.”

