Would you watch a Season 2?

I was curious, after the OBVIOUS anger and disapointment towards the winner VJ, will you support season 2? (Which has been confirmed by a few sites, Wikipedia. BUT I KNOW, Wikipedia can DEF be wrong, but I still remember seeing it somewhere else).

So I ask, if a season 2 happens, will you support it?

So, would you watch season 2?

My vote goes on no. I think after the decision to have VJ win, the obvious Mary Alice crush, this show didnt feel like the proper winner won *Brett or Andre I felt were MUCH more qualified to win*
I think the only way we can get back at this decision is not watch season 2. Like someone else said, VJ won, there is nothing we can do about that. WHAT we can do is watch Season 2 fail, and keep this stuff off the TV.

So, what do you all say?


Not watching it. Brett was truly robbed and between Andre and VJ, Andre was clearly the winner. I don't think VJ flat out cheated, but he DID rely on trickery and never would have made it if he hadn't copied others and done a few malicious things. This show is going to attract every Tom, Dick, and Harry who all think they're real models when they're not and they're all going to copy VJ. It's going to be a Survivor type of show with aspiring models and that's dull. I want to see REAL models compete and have REAL models win.

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/lover™ since 1980.


If Season 2 is an army of dumb blondes, whining babies, or VJs then hell no.

"The new UPs guy was like walking porn!" - Legally Blonde: The Musical



This, more than any other so-called reality competition (other than I LOVE NEW YORK), felt totally rigged by the producers, from the original so-called models (Mandy Lynn and Jesse, anyone?) right down to the wholly manufactured, behind-the-scenes-deviousness on the part of both of the final two. I also noticed on another VH1 Program last evening that the supposed "nerd" Daniel & Angela had for the tanning challenge is a comedian/actor who was offering commentary during the "100 Best Songs of the 90s" program. This also implies that the other "nerds" (most especially the one Andre and Aussie Rachel had and won with--because he truly wasn't a nerd and had a really decent body) were also a fix.

The producers might think their primary responsiblity is to garner ratings by providing so-called dramatic interest in their program but they don't have confidence in the original concept and they insult their audience with this kind of manipulation. I feel taken in, so I don't trust them and I do not consider it entertaining to witness near trumped up, sociopathic behavior. I would not watch a second season of this nor any other program they come up with because they are not on the level. I require and expect a legitimate competition, not something entirely manipulated that tries to pass itself off as something else.

The producers also seriously need to do a far better job at screening their contestants. Like asking in advance if they have spent time in jail or if they have been arrested 6 or 7 times. This near-insanity with psychotic Andre is a prime example. He may have modeling ability and undeniable print appeal, but his continuous "Soviet schtick" was boring to witness. Plus, he's a ticking time bomb and that should have been obvious from the first moment that his "explosive temper" was made manifest. Right up to the end he wanted to lay hands on VJ--threatening, as always, to resort to physical violence. ASKING on camera if he could do it! Letting him do this only encourages others to also either exhibit this type of behavior or tacitly go along by not speaking out against it. He never changed his inherent behavior; when cautioned about expulsion because of what he did, he merely switched TACTICS, misleading sheepish competitots into thinking he had changed his ways. Shame on "the alliance" for letting themselves be duped so willingly after what they themselves experienced first hand.

And his "bring Pickel back" ploy was classic. He couldn't do it himself so he got one of his former competitors to plead his case; when he does speak for himself, he is utterly ridiculous and offensive and isn't even called on it (although VJ was right in his confessional interview--being gay, being black--that's not changing). Pickel was the only one dumb enough to do it but smart enough to know that, by doing it, he got more exposure for himself and looked great. Andre's sad ploy MIGHT possibly have worked if he'd somehow managed to get Daniel to plead his case. THAT would have been a genuine coup, considering how viciously and psychotically he was focused on Daniel.

I'm done. Thanks for reading this.

"Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind."


i'll be watching season 2...i don't see this show as a real competition...it's just for entertainment. and the cast really was funny. if you want true competition shows watch BRAVO (top chef, project runway)





they should replace mary alice with someone who's actually someone in the fashion industry

if she's on it again i most likely won't see it


I totally agree. Mary Alice had such a clear bias. She rewarded people who were manipulative and rude, I think because she herself is manipulative and rude and doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on the difference between right and wrong. I don't care what she says about the "real world" being just cut-throat and dishonest, when you're on television acting like VJ did, no one is going to want to work with you unles they themselves are that manipulative. Ben Stein also had a bias in the early part of the season, only he was swayed more with artificial beauty and large breasts.

Because of these judges, I learned to hate this show and lose some respect for the modeling industry and people in general. Something tells me that's not what they were going for. The two worst human beings on that show made it to the end. There is something seriously wrong with that.

But that's just my opinion.

Who would turn down twins?


I really liked season one's cast, but as far as Mary Alice is concerned and the way things all happened and seemed so rigged, I'm pretty sure I won't watch it again. This was the first reality show I'd ever really watched, and I thought it was entertaining, but at the same time it drove me crazy with the way things were ran.

I say no to season 2.


I loved the show at first too, but it just became rediculous and VJ was so lame. Mary Alice made a big mistake.




i would!

it's entertaining whether it's "rigged" or not.

e.e. cummings style!



"Sandy n' myself r no longer engaged or 2gether" Now u can call ME Mrs. Padalecki


Like some people have already said, if the new season has a bunch of VJ's (people with like 3 months of experience and then they win because "they improved a lot" and/or people who don't play fair and manage to find leap holes in the rules or just plain cheat just to win challenges) then no. But if it has some blonde Rachels and some Pickels, because they were so funny, and if it has Aussie Rachael, rumor has it that she'll be on this one too, i'd definitively watch it.
And i hope mary alice doesn't have another crush like the first time.


Well, i'll probably watch the beggining, just to see the "smart" models they'll get for fun, you know, like mandy lynn and blonde rachel, but when it starts getting serious,i'll stop, bcz, God, it was soooooooo obvius that it was fixed so VJ would win, i mean, with the lather commercial? he was practicaly stalking the ones rehearsing, obviously, they saw him, and moved, but he followed them to hear!!! it's like, what? couldn't he wait a few minutes to get the script honestly??? but then, silly me, i thought, well, even if it's idiotic to think a real model would act this way, bcz they would get the script beforehand, maybe she has seen something like that happen; but then with the jag, HELLO! it's called an edge challenge bcz only the winners must have that edge! it's like getting all the answers for the test a day before!!! even if some people do it, we all agree it's dishonest, even the people who do it; and when so out of nowhere there was a tie so he wouldn't be kicked out of the house, i mean, there are no ties, whith the lather commercial, there wasn't a tie, even though there were 2 with same grades

Ohh, and the oh so great prize of giving the portfolio!!! God, i know now why i prefer ANTM, there, no mather if you only got one picture, you get it!
anyway, to answer your question, i'll just watch while it's funny, and then stop...
