Would you watch a Season 2?
I was curious, after the OBVIOUS anger and disapointment towards the winner VJ, will you support season 2? (Which has been confirmed by a few sites, Wikipedia. BUT I KNOW, Wikipedia can DEF be wrong, but I still remember seeing it somewhere else).
So I ask, if a season 2 happens, will you support it?
So, would you watch season 2?
My vote goes on no. I think after the decision to have VJ win, the obvious Mary Alice crush, this show didnt feel like the proper winner won *Brett or Andre I felt were MUCH more qualified to win*
I think the only way we can get back at this decision is not watch season 2. Like someone else said, VJ won, there is nothing we can do about that. WHAT we can do is watch Season 2 fail, and keep this stuff off the TV.
So, what do you all say?