Your first experience watching this (very bad) movie.
Mine was at the cinema, ofcourse.
It was like, all of a sudden we're going to see it, me and my pal Andrew.
Anyway, I had already seen Terminator Salvation and Xmen Origins:Wolverine that month, so when I saw this it was a whole different experience, I expected it to be the biggest, most enjoyable film of them all. It wasn't, I left the cinema feeling that stuff was strangely wrong with the film I had just seen, and it had been not as good an action movie as Terminator 4.
Damn, back then you don't think "Is this movie going to suck ? Will ti be any good will it be as good as the original ?" You just went and watched the movie expecting it to be perfect.
I remember it very clearly, here's the moments in the film and how I remember feeling about them.
Okay, Optimus's entrance I found it to be an exilerating moment, "I'm in pursuit !" This was our childhood hero, making a big-screen return.
The fight with that giant decepticon was resolved alot more easily than I would have expected. And then that was followed by the execution of Demolisher (the big red decepticon who says "this is not you planet to rule"), which at the time DID NOT sit right with me, I felt sympathetic for this pathetic decepticon who is put down in a cold-blooded fashion that would be present in Optimus's actions for the rest of the series, it was my first taste of it.
Having watched it twice since then (eughhh), I cannot believe the amount of story and dialogue I did not pick up on, last night was the first time I realised michaella flies over to sam's college, never even realised that.
At the first viewing the humour was, not great humour, shall we say ? It was humour I knew had been originally unscripted that Michael Bay had thrown in, it really was disgusting at the time, it still is. Simmons's thong-like undergarments, Wheelie humping michaella's leg, and the unfunny frustration he has in the garage, then the daft kiddish exchange that sam and michaella have in the library after they've just been chased by a decepticon-girl was stupid and didn't suit the situation, that was the worst, it made the characters seem rediculous and unrealistic, I found it annoying and inappropriate given the situation.
The fight with Megatron and Starscream (with Grindor standing around to take damage from Prime, yes I know there's deleted segment where he contributes to the fight) was obviously the best moment in this otherwise quite unenjoyable movie. I at first did not find it believable that Optimus could have such an upperhand in a one-on-one with Megatron after their fight in the previous movie where Megatron proved to be MUCH stronger.
So yes, that was strange at first, there's a moment where Prime grabs his leg and punches a piece of armour off and throws him away, Megs try to hit optimus but opus too fast he duck and hit megs in the back, megs swings again but again optimus too fast so optimus throw megs away, seemgingly with no more than a sweap of his arm. I think they did go over-the-top with that fight and make Optimus overpowerd and Megatron incompetentlty slow and unskilled. So much for that revenge, if anyone got revenge here it was Optimus on Megs for killing Jazz and being a cruel bastard in the first movie.
Then, to my great displeasure, Optimus gets killed off when Megatron makes a dis-honourable stab-in-the-back fatal move on Optimus when he's not looking. This was obviously to upset/shock audiences , but not the way you were upset with Optimus dying in the cartoon-movie where it was moving, in this one it was pure distastefullness and evil how he got killed off so brutally, making Megatron seem like more of a bad guy and the "cold-blooded decepticon killing Optimus" seem more like the hero in this strange, messed up blockbuster.
I liked that moment where Optimus turns on the three decepticons and really gives them a taste of how heroicly determined he is, refusing to give in, which is great stuff. I never realised there was only three of them, I remember thinking there was like, half a dozen attacking him ! Lawl ! It was Grindor and Starscream assisting Megatron. Things sure are different when you see em at the cinema, for the first time, but the badness of this movie (optimus's not so glorious defeat of the Fallen which was patheticly small a battle, and the wasted time spent on silly dialogue with those autobot twins and sam being a nut, which was woeful) was always clear to me, even at the first viewing.
I'll talk more about the film later, I know stuff now I did not know at the time of first watching this installment, but I retain my belief that it's a letdown for fans, and the worst made and overall WORST of the series. Thanks for reading.