Voting time begins!
Be sure to vote me, yarmen12, the delightful keyboard-pressing GENIUS, ahem, am I getting that accros? No? Okay, I repeat: GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS!!!!! as IMDB awesome guy of the year
clearly I am the most awesome IMDB user because I is always right, and its a great use of my talents because it allows me a break from my turf war against that rival gang the rolling 3's, heh, more like rolling PEES! Ahah! Get it? Pee as in PISS as in Urine? it doesn't really make sense due to the liquid mass but we can overlook one bad joke over the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of genius things I have said since I became a member on that fateful day, some day in 2011 the night after I saw Withnail and I.
So yes, now's your chance to vote me as best member, I am a delight to behold, a fine enthusiast if ever there was one and a killer with the ladies ;)
Vote now by copying my name onto every post you say yarmen12isfreakingawesomeandalwasyrightsoobviousyhebeawaybetterIMDBuserthanyouorme or if you don't have the time, just yarmen in caps will do, so it will be like YARMEN.
yeahhhh, brother got some respect now