NEST team's idiotic strategy
I am referring to the opening fight. I don't see any point of the NEST soldiers to:
1. Approach the huge Decepticon on foot.
2. Fire at it with machine guns when they know that they are ineffective.
Seriously, what were these guys (or the writers) thinking? Did they do it just because they wanted to show a few soldiers get injured/die in the line of duty? I don't see any other logical explanation.
Here you have a HUGE Decepticon. Wouldn't it be more intelligent to send just the Autobots after it? The NEST team can attack it from the safety of choppers, which also have powerful weapons that can actually do some damage to the behemoth. Approaching the thing on foot with machine guns is like hunting an elephant with pea-shooters!
Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!