Devastator's balls.

Am I the only one who thought that was funny? I see that aspect gets a lot of criticism here but I found that amusing myself.

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I don't find that funny, but it doesn't bother me either, what surprises me, is that people never complains about John Turturro's ass, that was really disgusting and unnecessary


Yup, definitely chunder-inducing.

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Some people actually did but Devastator's balls was almost as worse because it was an insult to G1 Devastator.


But they weren't even balls technically. It's not like they were fully functional testicles that were actually part of his anatomy, they were just a couple of wrecking balls awkwardly hanging between his legs. I was way more pissed about the random dog humping.


I know . The things that I also hated were Devastator himself, Jetfire, Scavenger/Demolisher, Rampage, Mojo, like what you said, humping the other dog, Agent Simmons in his boxers, Wheelie humping Mikaela's leg, the fact that Arcee and the fembots didn't have legs, the way they treated the Fallen, and finally, the infamous twins.



What's wrong with the old timer?

And don't forget the lubrication of Agent Simmons by Bumblebee.

Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.


I was pointing out the flaws of ROTF. Jetfire isn't supposed to be an old timer and he isn't supposed to have a cane and speak in a Scottish accent! He looked completely different than his G1 counterpart which looked cool.


Behold, the eternal glory of JeeetFiiiire!! Prepare for....*cough*.......remote......*cough*................damn!

Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.


No no no. THIS is the real glory of Jetfire:


Holy son of Megatron!!

He looks great! And i thought he was a Blackbird?

Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.


He only transforms into a Blackbird in ROTF. He mainly transforms into a VF-1S Super Valkyrie.

"I also have a saying: I don't care."



One of the best scenes. Turturro was the funniest character, or the only one.
