MovieChat Forums > Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Discussion > Optimus Prime's... strength increases be...

Optimus Prime's... strength increases between the films?

Just curious. I watched most the special features and commentaries on both Transformers films, but I don't quite get it...

In the first film when Optimus and Megatron have a fist fight, Optimus may get in a few jabs, but Megatron beats the shht out of him.

In the second film Optimus takes on Megatron and a few of his minions in the forest battle and whoops the ever holy shht out of all of them!

Micheal Bay went on about wanting to make the films as a Transformers fan and for fans around the world. What happened? I watched the 80s cartoons, and if I remember Optimus wasn't a push over? I mean in the first film Optimus had to lose so Sam could do the thing to Megatron with the Cube, but couldn't they of made the fight longer and have Optimus as a worthy opponent? Which us fans know he is. Saying that, it shouldn't of mattered how long the fight was, Optimus isn't a weakling. In the second film Optimus doesn't just take on Megatron, but a few more bad guys. During which... he kills that massive dude, cuts limbs off here and there... and that's after his face gets messed up and he gets blasted across the forest by Megatron's big-ass cannon at point-blank. Bigger budget, more bad-ass Prime shouldn't be a factor. Where did improved strengh Optimus Prime 2.0 come from? Is he gonna be even more bad-ass in the third film? I don't know what to expect, Mr. Bay!

P.S -sorry for saying Optimus so much lol

"You will never be one of the people!"


Micheal Bay went on about wanting to make the films as a Transformers fan and for fans around the world. What happened?

Simple. He lied. Bay has never been a fan of the TF franchise and really couldn't care less what the fans want. ransformers-Revenge


He also said he hated the Transformers franchise and said it was "stupid." He *HAS* to say things to placate the fans because he needs them to spend their money at the theater seeing this movie.


I believe he sad that before he actually got to know the franchise better. Fill me in if I've missed out something, and he said he hated it even after he made the films.

Getting back to the original question, one might assume Prime had to hold himself back when he was fighting in the city. In such a highly populated place, being less cautious meant he could have caused more damage to the humans than to Megatron. In the sequel, he was fighting in a more open area with less people around. He could unleash his inner beast better there, so to say.

A more likely explanation is that since the script of the second film was a mess, the writers never got around to thinking it over, and just went overboard with Prime's fighting skills. Also notice how fragile the Decepticons had become since the first movie.


" one might assume Prime had to hold himself back when he was fighting in the city. In such a highly populated place, being less cautious meant he could have caused more damage to the humans than to Megatron. In the sequel, he was fighting in a more open area with less people around. He could unleash his inner beast better there, so to say" - That's a good point you made! Adding to that, I remember Optimus seeing Megatron as a brother in the first film, especially at the end when he wasn't pleased Megatron was dead. So that could of been another reason why he was holding back.

"You will never be one of the people!"


^ Good theory


Optimus was in a populated area in the first movie with people everywhere. In the forest he let Megatron have it. He would have killed Megs if he hadn't had the other cons to back him up


Which begs the question....

Why, in the first movie, did the US Army arrange for the Cube pickup to happen in the middle of a major, highly populated city? More specifically, its downtown area? "We cannot make a stand without the air force." So why did they make their stand in the middle of LA that is home to millions of people?

There is no theory about why Optimus was stronger in the 2nd film. The best explanation is this: just stupid, lazy writing by Bay.

If Optimus was holding back in the 1st film, Bay didn't bother to explain that this was Optimus' sentiments. Instead, in the 1st movie, it really looked like Optimus was getting his ass kicked by Megatron. If Optimus was holding back, it wasn't a very smart move considering the fate of the entire world was at stake. Why handicap yourself when you could very well lose and end the world?

Makes zero sense. Stop trying to rationalize it - it's lazy writing, end of story.


Just because your hand wasn't being held with the explanation doesn't mean one didn't exist. You sound so angry I don't think you even attempted to understand before pouncing all over the movie.

The first movie establishes that Optimus Prime is overall quite compassionate towards humans, seeing them as much like Cybertronians, and doesn't want to hurt humans. Prime was even completely willing to sacrifice his own life to destroy the AllSpark so that it couldn't be used to kill humankind. Megatron, on the other hand, completely hates humans. He'd kill humans as quickly as he'd look at them. This is established early and every sign points to this.

So, in Mission City (a fictional city, not LA, which was simply used to represent Mission City), Prime would take great pains to not harm human life, whereas Megatron would gladly take out as many humans as he could while fighting Prime.

Also, the reason why the battle happened in Mission City was because, if you paid attention to the first movie, you know they were having communications problems. They were trying to establish short-range communication with the nearest big city, and planned to use the city as a rendezvous point. Mission City was 20 miles away from Hoover Dam, so they wanted the Air Force to meet them there so they could transport the AllSpark to a safer location. They HAD to make their stand there because they realized Starscream was there and thus the rest of the Decepticons were not far behind. Sam even attempted to hand the AllSpark to the helicopter before it was shot down. Had he succeeded in doing so and it hadn't been shot down, the battle site would have shifted.

Prime was already shown to be quite badass in his highway fight against Bonecrusher, where he nearly popped Bonecrusher's eye out by punching him in the abdomen right before forcibly slicing his head off.

It was already established that Prime didn't even NEED to defeat Megatron to fulfill his goal (destroying the AllSpark). In ROTF, he DID need to defeat Megatron, or at least slow him down, to protect Sam. Not being in a populated city, Prime was able to cut completely loose.

The constant rigors of war, the endless bureaucracy, and the constant fighting may have made Optimus even a bit sharper and more brutal. Bumblebee also became much more brutal between the first and second films, for some of the same reasons. Ironhide? He's implied to be a bit older than Prime in the first movie and having been through a lot of war (and a weapons expert) and we already know Ironhide's sociopathic (he threatened to kill Mojo and Sam's parents without even seeing what would be the problem with that). Look at what Jetfire did when he made his entrance into the final battle, brutally killing two Decepticons in brutal and short fashion. Basically, it seems like the older a Cybertronian is, the more sociopathic it becomes.

Note that Optimus was primarily a scientist before all the fighting so concentrated war like this over time would affect him mentally a bit. Perhaps even fighting alongside the humans had that effect. Remember how they said humans were as crude as Cybertronians used to be? You kind of become the people you are around, so if humans in general are cruder than what Prime was used to, he'd become a bit more brutal after having been fighting alongside humans for a couple of years.

So, yeah, it makes perfect sense if you are willing to put a little thought into it.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


It was never Prime's primary (I made a funny, har har) goal to destroy the all-spark - it was his goal to retrieve it, put it in safe hands, and then use it to rebuild Cybertron. Destroying the all-spark was merely Prime's mission of last resort should they fail in securing it. And you give me gripe for not paying attention to the movie?

Did you forget the scene where Sam had a brief conversation with Prime just before he gave his, "One will stand, one will fall" line? With the all-spark in Sam's hands standing over Prime? Why not just destroy the cube right then and there? Instead, Prime fights Megatron? So....if it WAS already established that Prime didn't NEED to defeat Megatron to accomplish his goal of destroying the all-spark (as you assert), this again proves LAZY writing on Bay's part. If it was the goal of Prime to destroy the all-spark, and if the opportunity was there (and it was), why would Prime FIGHT Megatron after talking to Sam who was standing there WITH the all-spark?

Thank you for proving my point.

So, back to the main point of this thread: Destroying Megatron and thwarting the decepticon attack at Mission City would have accomplished the goal of SECURING the all-spark and using it to rebuild Cybertron. With Prime kicking the ass of so many decepticons in the 2nd film, it makes ZERO SENSE why he would purposefully hold back in a one-on-one fight with Megatron in the 1st film because he was concerned about collateral damage. If he displayed the fighting prowess he had in the 2nd film, not holding back, he could have saved ALL of Earth while ALSO saving his own planet and, more than likely, would have also eliminated the decepticon threat FOREVER. Those would have been acceptable losses, if you ask me.

Instead, in such a key, a decisive battle, he holds back in his life-or-death fight against Megatron? At least, that is the assertion by some here that are trying to rationalize why Prime seems so much more powerful in the 2nd film.

Personally, I don't think he was holding back in the 1st film. I felt he genuinely was getting his ass kicked by Megatron, and Bay got some flak from the fan boys because of it, so he went and made Optimus UBER powerful in the 2nd film to make them happy. I think that's the best explanation, personally.

Lazy writing. It's just that simple.

Also, why would the military need to established short-range communication with the nearest big city? What is so special about doing that specifically with a city? Why not do it with the nearest military base? What, the local television stations are secret military installations? If I remember correctly, the reason they took it to Mission City was to hide the all-spark there. Of course, by taking the all-spark there, they should have known the decepticons would have TORN THE CITY APART and killed possibly hundreds of thousands of people trying to look for it.

And again, if the purpose of taking the all-spark to Mission City was to hide it there, why would they then have Sam try to rendevouz with a helicopter to transport it out of there? What good is a minimally-armed helicopter against giant, evil robots with laser weapons that can FLY? Oh wait, that's's NO good, as evidenced by the fact that helicopter was practically vaporized. And again, I ask, why try to transport it out of there when the whole reason for it being there in the first place was to HIDE it? Again, makes ZERO sense. LAZY WRITING.


I felt he genuinely was getting his ass kicked by Megatron, and Bay got some flak from the fan boys because of it, so he went and made Optimus UBER powerful in the 2nd film to make them happy. I think that's the best explanation, personally.

Yes, it was pretty obvious Optimus was getting his ass kicked by Megatron; everything suggests it. Also, yes, the fanboys' complaints COULD have been part of the reason for Optimus' power in Trans 2.

Keep in mind, though, it was actually critical to the whole plot to make Optimus, as a Prime, perhaps the most powerful single bot out there, because of the Fallen's statement "only a Prime can defeat me", which became utterly essential to the plot and why there was the huge quest to resurrect Optimus.

I agree with you - LAZY WRITING. Bay fell in love with this idea and wrote himself into a corner where he had to make Optimus quintessential.

Of course, no one ever explained why the Fallen couldn't have just been ganged up on and destroyed the way Optimus was, by damage taken from multiple bots.

It also didn't explain why the allspark fragment used to bring the blackbird back to life couldn't have also done the same for Optimus, as it was able to do so for Megatron.

"Is our children learning"? -Sep 12 2000
"Childrens do learn" -Sep 26 2007

- GW Bush


You're missing the point that to resurrect Megatron, it was necessary to kill at least one robot to provide parts for him, so it's not just the shard that brought him back. Also the size of the fragments differ. The one Sam had is just a splinter, while the one the Decepticons stole was quite bigger, almost like a rock. As the FAQ's section says, resurrecting Optimus that way would require the death of one of their comrades (the autobots) and after that he would still need to combine with Jetfire, so using the Matrix would avoid sacrificing another Autobot.

Also, you have to consider that Megatron was "killed" because the power of the All-Spark clashed with his own spark, causing an immediate shutdown, so to speak. Then another fragment of it could reactivate Megatron's spark and it could feed on the fragments of the All-Spark that originally killed him, rendering him stronger. But when Optimus is killed, his spark gets slashed and blasted through, thus a mere shard wouldn't be enough to resurrect him, as Megatron (by personal experience) would know that he needed to cause critical damage to avoid a possible resurrection from taking place anytime soon.


This is a clear example of the writers "writing themselves into a corner".

Somewhere in the planning of this script, the writers fell in love with this idea "only a Prime can defeat me". As soon as they made that a mandate, they were forced to make Optimus, as a Prime, a bot on a power level unlike any other single bot.

So, bottom line, it comes down to poor writing.

There are also so many other problems with that film, not the least of which being that they dumped Megatron down into an abyss as opposed to destroying him (and we know that even Earth tech could do that); and how many other insane problems?

Poor writing.

"Is our children learning"? -Sep 12 2000
"Childrens do learn" -Sep 26 2007

- GW Bush


Thats the part that cracks me up "only a prime can defeat me" but Optimus was killed by Megatron therefore he must have been more powerful than a prime right? which would mean Megatron could defeat the Fallen too. Poor writing alright

There are things that go bump in the night and we are the ones that bump back


There really isn't an answer for this, TF2 has a lot of terrible writing that just has stuff happen without really telling us how this came to be, that's fine sometimes.

However, the fact they changed the strengths of certain characters so much was just silly, giving us a very lame final fight to the first film.


My take on Optimus Prime strength increase. That's an easy one. He's more pissed off in the second film than the first one. He hadn't quite formed a bond with the humans in the first one, so his heart wasn't all that into defeating Megatron. But, 2 years has passed, he has found a new family to fight for, and that emotional edge is all that is needed to give someone that bit of extra strength.




I agree with people that say it was a more open area and he didn't need to hold back. I also think that in the first movie he was willing to destroy the All Spark and killing himself if needed as a last resort. In the second movie he didn't want Sam harmed. If Sam was killed and his brain destroyed then they would of never have found the Matrix, but Optimus had real feelings for Sam and cared about him.

Its kind of like Superman will pull punches if there are innocent people around but if he can lead the fight somewhere else he can let loose.

Come visit my


Bay SHOULD have gotten crap about Optimus being so weak in the first one. Optimus has always been Megatron's equal. It should have been a balanced fight


I'm a new Transformers fan and I just love Optimus Prime. I actually shed a tear when the big guy was dangling in the net, dead.

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?


I'm sorry, dangling in the net, dead? It that some strange expression? lol. I know he was dangling from cables in the third film, but he wasn't dead there.

You're a new Transformers fan? You're disgusting!

"Time to find out..."


Um...they're talking about THIS movie, y'goof.

Specifically, Prime's airlifted corpse.



I know we're talking about THIS film, y'goof. I made the topic.

"Time to find out..."


Indeed you did, although that's utterly beside the point.

Speaking of which, Optimus didn't hold back at all. Nor did his strength increase between films. We saw him take out Bonecrusher all on his own, easily the biggest and baddest of the first film's Decepticon line-up apart from Megatron himself.



And then he wasn't quite 100%

Huh. Go figure.


For that matter, if anything, Megatron WEAKENED between films.

His corpse WAS underwater for two years, after all. And then rebuilt with a lesser-Decepticons parts.

But what am I telling YOU people for...surely you've all SEEN the movies, right?


EYES, people.



I like your post, Hazekiah

"Time to find out..."



I'll drink to that, cheers!



Put simply.

In 1 Prime was holding back so not to destroy half the city and kill humans.

In 2 he was protecting Sam and you should know what a true warrior he is, with courage, something most of the decepticons don't have. For the last battle he had serious upgrades from Jetfire.

In 3 Megatron is seriously wounded from 2 still, and Sentinal whooped his ass.


In the first movie Optimus was more careful not to harm any humans, so he went down easily in Mission City, but unleashed all his fury on Bonecrusher when they had enough space to fight. In this movie he realizes there is no reasoning with The Decepticons and chooses to fight dirty. I do agree however that that saying only a Prime can defeat the Fallen was a weak idea and didn't go anywhere, just a toss in for Prime to be more bad-ass.

My ignore list is very, very, very long...


It is the usual lazy writing.
You see this in every action film series and tv show.

In the first film the bad guys are always strong and deadly and tough but either by the end in the film (which tf1 thankfully avoided) or the next film those same bad guys are nothing more than punch bags and a joke.

If optimus was megatrons equal like people on here say about the first film then why wasn't megatron optimus equal in the second film?

Trite film cliché that's why.

They cheapen the bad guys because all the fanboys would whine if the hero doesn't come back uber tougher due to their emotional connection they now have.

Problem is they have to cheapen and gimp the bad guy making a mockery of the struggle and danger the heroes have been fighting against.

Lazy writing but it's what the gullible majority of the film going public want to see.

Plus it is American and Americans have to have the good guys win in the most contrived way.
