Wonderful Green commitment of The Big Year cast and crew
http://www.mynaramata.com/show854a/Naramata_Crew_Loved_Films_Green_Com mitment_
10th June 2010
Naramata Crew Loved Film’s Green Commitment
Two Naramata residents who have just wrapped up their work on the set of Hollywood’s biggest film ever in the south Okanagan, have come away overwhelmed by the environmental commitment of the crew.
With dozens of film projects under their belts, Hugh McClelland and Kurt Joudrey say it was truly inspiring to be part of “The Big Year.”
The $100-million film was on location at Vaseux Lake over the past week.
Former Naramata resident Dick Cannings was present as a birding consultant. Joudrey says that nesting areas flagged by Cannings were highly respected by the film’s crew as ‘no disturb’ zones.
The movie’s carpenters even stayed behind to rebuild and enhance the boardwalks and bird blinds of Vaseux Lake, an important migratory protected area.
Joudrey acted as a liaison between the film crew/producers and representatives from Environment Canada, BC Parks and the Nature Trust of BC. Vaseux played the role of Patagonia Lake State Park in Arizona.
He says the crew of 125 were very mindful of their ecological footprint. “I’ve worked movie sets that are strewn with coffee cups and other litter, but not so on this job. Everyone truly had a green approach,” says Joudrey.
Owen Wilson, Steve Martin and Jack Black are the stars of “The Big Year,” a birdwatching comedy due for release in 2011.
Joudrey says Owen Wilson even brought his own bicycle, so between takes he could goof around and get to and from his trailer without the need of a driver.
“He kept the spirits up of the crew by hooting ‘yee-ha’ while on his cruiser bike, just like a rodeo cowboy on horseback!”
Related link:
Dick Cannings' Twitter is here, he mentioned going birding with people from the film a few days ago: