looooooved this

so sad to see that it only made 3 million, but i dont get it, its a great movie about enjoying life. everyone should go see it



It was a very pleasant surprise. Took a chance and took the family. Nothing objectional at all, and very enjoyable. The three actors had very different characters and played each one well.


8/10 for me.


ur exactly rite. but it doesnt really take a genius 2 know dis will tank. birdin is not a popular activity 4 most ppl. and dis movie seem 2 target da birderz as its audience. its quite charmin film and not da screwball sort. very touchin towardz end wid its themez and very therapeutic durin da journey. i believe da main theme is wat u say, enjoyin life whether it be birdin or bein wid family and luved 1s, its worth da takin da chance 2 obtain it

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


Its good clean entertainment.
I liked the people and it was fun and also different.
I enjoyed it and you don't need to know about birds to get it.
Loads of people get obsessed with their hobby.
Train spotting, stamp collecting, Munro bagging.
Going to see every film that is released at ones local cinema. ;-)
Going around the world to see an eclipse or the need to see the Aura Borealis.

A good family film with men who are not gay or trying to kill each-other,
how refreshing. Happy ending + what you can be missing if you take your hobby to much to heart. Plus there is more to life than just making more money, that too is just nuts.

Okay it's not a must see at all costs but a BIG CHANGE from what is out there.
I did not expect much but I was pleasantly surprised and entertained.

Love film love cinema keep the suits at bay.


Finally a good movie! 8/10 for me.

I'm trusting imdb rates less & less. I've seen a lot less good movies score higher..

