Well I agree about the competitive aspects, and how they aren't really a measure of your talents. Incidently, though - I'm reminded of the Oregon "Big Day" which, unlike a "Big Year", does to me showcase the talents of the most astute and experienced birders. Thats because you have to be FAST! Its not so much about wealth, obsessiveness and persistence as it is about timing, knowing exactly where to be and being able to nail ID"s quickly based on motion, jizz, a tweet or two, etc. I admire the skill required to have a really successful big day. Not so much a big year because as some point, its just about flying all over the place with your ear on the hotlines. Also, with a big day, you are doing all of your own finding - none of this following the crowd stuff, letting others make the initial discovery for you.
Anyway, but is it worth even contemplating who is the best, and how could you ever measure that? I put a lot of stock in the guys that blaze their own trail, or the ones that are regional specialists. Both are tremendous resources. They add to the total base of our knowledge rather than just skim off the top..