MovieChat Forums > The Big Year (2011) Discussion > Just seen it... horrible movie

Just seen it... horrible movie

I just watched this movie and it's TERRIBLE. That annoying ass family guy ringtone was way overused. The plot was terrible, the acting felt forced, I'm starting to hate Jack Black again after watching this.

I hated JB for a while till I seen the pick of destiny, I just got a thing for that movie because I'm a musician and to me it was funny. But his latest work, especially this one, ugh. I am all for a bird movie, people don't really think about birds when there are so many kinds. I like a comedic mainstream approach to it. But this movie, I'm sorry its just horrible! Would not watch it again.


Plot? This movie is based on a TRUE story. We all know true movies are not how they exactlly happened. But not sure how you make the true story Sandy Komito (Kenny Bostick) any more enetertaining? Thought movie was ok. Not great, but added obsession,freindship, fatherhood, relationships and alot great places!.....etc. Into a true story of a guy breaking the record over a year. Not sure how you write a better story for this guy? I like Jack Black sometimes (plays the same role alot, i get that) but he was good in this, narration wasnt the best. But he deffinatley played a different role then 90% of his movies and love O Wilson and S Martin was good also as straight guy too for once. Good too see them not craking dumb jokes all the time. Just not sure how you rip the plot on something that really happended. As far as a movie goes on BIRD WATCHING, how you expect a better plot, no idea. And did you say the family guy ringtone? That is a song from the 1970s "Bird is the Word". That song was used 30 years before that show even written, so like or not. Wouldnt bring up show that stole it for the 1000th time.



most likely a person a person who "just seen it" is the type of person who fails at recongnising the simple charm in many things


>That annoying ass family guy ringtone was way overused.

No kidding. The first time I heard it, I winced, because it was obvious that the filmmakers were trying to be funny, and failing very badly.

By the fifth time, it was clear they thought they were onto pure genius. And that's when I stopped watching this vile crapheap of a movie.



I don't understand people like you, you were pissed because of a guy's ringtone in a movie? It wasn't funny sure, but I just let it go because a guy who loves bird could use that ringtone in real life. It wasn't really even a joke. Plus when I hear surfin bird I think of Full Metal Jacket not *beep* family guy!


O rly? You "seen it"? And you "seen" Pick of Destiny?? Dumbass...


I respect that not everyone will like this movie. (I loved it). But to say it's horrible makes me think you haven't seen very many movies. It's all relative, right?

I'm sure Jack Black won't lose any sleep over you "starting to hate him again". But instead will be happy to know this movie probably earned him some more fans from a base not usually tapped by his talent.


I thought it was freaking charming.

I love Steve Martin, and am lukewarm on Jack Black, but his altercation with his father early in the film left me impressed. And wow, Owen Wilson finally played a more confident and assertive role.

I think it helps if you like birds, as obvious as that may sound. A lot of hardcore birders disapprove of this movie for the inaccuracies that are bound to occur.

As someone who loves birds, but has no list, it was just a joy just to see the birds on screen and in focus.

"Now, bring me that horizon."


you really haven't stated your case very well. "The plot was terrible" - what in heck does that mean? Its a story about a big year, not Citizen Cane. You get exactly what the title of the movie tells you you are going to get. And the plot wasn't really the point of the movie anyway. The point was to explore the birding culture or community, which it does pretty well.

I just wish sometimes when people trash a movie that they provide a few good reasons why they thought it was so bad. The ringtone thing was trivial. And it WAS a mainstream comedy, which (being mainstream) is why it wasn't all that funny. Steve Martin is totally mainstream. But again, the point was not to make a funny film. What humor there was arose naturally from the context, as birding and doing a big year can result in a lot of funny situations.

I thought the movie was far from perfect, but to just trash it without any real explanation is not justified. There was a lot there that was fresh and an awful lot of people enjoyed it.


So you expected him to have a different ringtone every time his phone rang? How do you deal with your phone ringing if you can't tolerate the same ring more than 5 times?
