MovieChat Forums > The Big Year (2011) Discussion > Good Movie, I just need help understandi...

Good Movie, I just need help understanding...

how Steve Martin's character being late for a flight in NYC and Jack Black being late for a flight wherever the hell his character was from, would delay both for a flight in Anchorage Alaska. You either made your flight to Anchorage, or you didn't, but the flight is on time, and if you were on it, you wouldn't be late for a flight in Anchorage. Being behind in one city doesn't make you behind in another, unless you completely miss your flight, in which case you wouldn't even come close to making your flight in Alaska.

Inadvertently pissing people off since 2008



since Steve arrived later than all the others - it seemed like at least one day later, he must have used his private jet - we knew he had one. He also did not leave the same time as everyone else.

• I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman •


love your tagline ...inadvertently piising ppl off too/i dont know how i do it sometimes...any way , sometimes (my son said this to me when i kept pointing out movie faults) you just gotta let it go , it's just a movie,


if you have to take a later flight than planned on the same airline (probably not realistic for alaska) or have to switch to a later flight on another airline (which they let you do sometimes when you miss the last flight of the day - they have reciprocity deals) it could make you late for connection. or martin character could just pay for a flight on another airline or take his company jet.

and jack black was from baltimore. they show him going to BWI (now thurgood marshal) airport.
