credit card cutting

Seen it many times in (American) movies now, that when a credit card is maxed out, the waiter or whoever can cut it with scissors. Whats the deal with that?? When MY cc reached it's limit I can just put money from my normal bank-account into my cc's one, I'd still have a use for it! So does this actually happen, and who gave the power to the clerks to destroy one's cc anyway?

I used to love her, but I had to kill her. - GNR


I think it symbolizes that they won't be able to pay it off anytime soon, thus they have no use for it. Also it keeps them from forgetting, and trying to use it again, only to be disappointed.


they would never do that, they would just give it back and say it was declined and ask for a different card.

they will keep it if the credit card company reports back that it is stolen or something like that.
