Totally agree. I was invited to a screening, hadn't heard of the movie, watched the trailer, and almost passed on the screening even though it was free because the trailer made it look like it wasn't about anything (and it called itself a "big" comedy but wasn't very funny).
I went to the screening today anyway and it was pretty good. I get that if you say it's "a movie about bird watching" it doesn't sound all that interesting. But come on, the trailer went out of its way to hide the very subject matter that every single scene in the movie revolves around.
The trailer didn't need to emphasize birds, birds, birds. The beginning of the movie did a great job explaining to us non-birders what a Big Year is. If the trailer had used some of that to give us the premise/setting/goals/conflict, we'd know there was a point to the movie, then it could also give us the "trailer moments" that are in the actual trailer so we'd know it wasn't 90 minutes of actors looking through binoculars.