MovieChat Forums > The Big Year (2011) Discussion > Birders must have the biggest carbon foo...

Birders must have the biggest carbon footprint...

...of any hobby. At least the serious ones. Flying all over the place for a quick glimpse of something they could just have easily googled is a huge creater of CO2.

I guess backyard birders are relatively green, but the borders in this movie, especially the also-rans, created CO2 for no real good reason.

My UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL don't work. Ain't no evidence it helps me control the universe AT ALL!


As green as you say you are, you would know that plants need CO2 (carbon dioxide) as part of the photosynthesis process, and then produce oxygen (O), something we need to breath.

Laugh, and the world thinks you're crazy.
Weep, and the world thinks you're bipolar.


All that traveling around in charter planes, emissions from cars, and crowds
of people tramping through otherwise isolated nesting areas probably does a
lot of harm to all these birds that the birders claim to admire so much. They
should stick to feeding the birds around their homes and watching them from
the windows of their houses.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



Eh, there is worse hobbies to have.

Laugh, and the world thinks you're crazy.
Weep, and the world thinks you're bipolar.


Come on... it's a MOVIE... did you also complain that star wars' characters were huge polluters for flying their spaceships around at warp speed all the time?

Birding is by nature a very innocuous, eco-friendly hobby. Sure, like any activity, there are always people who have to get competitive and take it to the extreme, but the vanity of doing that is a major theme of this movie.

Otterprods, to keep those aquatic Mustelidae in line.


This is heavily based on a true story, and it's exactly how hardcore birders role.


Cows produce more carbon into the atmosphere through methane emissions than all our vehicles combined. So do volcanoes, forests, and oceans.

I don't doubt climate change, just that we're somehow responsible.

"I think it's egocentric of us to think that we're that powerful."

Thus your argument is invalid. To me anyway :)


and dont forget...the making of this movie.

for every place they visited there had to be at least 100 persons,all who drived/flew artists,soundpeople,assistants..

add up to that - all the promotion they did for the movie,the three actors flying around in both the county and the whole world.


REALLY want to see your source for the claim that cows produce more greenhouse gas than fossil fuels. I'd also like to point out that wild cows no longer exist - humans hunted them to extinction. ALL cows are domesticated to one extent or another. Therefore, we are responsible for the methane from cattle too.


I take it back, maybe.

Extreme birders like we saw in this movie MIGHT get edged out by NASCAR drivers as far as carbon footprint goes.

My UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL don't work. Ain't no evidence it helps me control the universe AT ALL!


The carbon footprint of one air-passenger on a Boeing 747 isn't that bad - actually it's a lot less than if the passenger drove a car the same distance.

p.s. carbon really isn't a problem anyway! Other forms of pollution are several orders of magnitude worse but that's another story.



It is a good reason to them. And global warming is not a grave concern for a wealthy engineering powerhouse like the US or Germany anyway.
