MovieChat Forums > The Invisible Man (2020) Discussion > The invisible gender equality

The invisible gender equality

Black Dr. Manhattan? Sure, why not.
Black, female James Bond? If you really must...
All female Ghostbusters team? I can live with that too.
Now how 'bout an 'Invisible Woman' film, showing what kind of shenanigans a woman would be up to if she could escape all consequences? What do you think that would be?


Sure, why not.


Women are already capable of this power, but it mostly works on men; ironically, it involves gaining weight.


Funnily enough there is an Invisible Woman movie made decades ago that is on the Invisible Man legacy collection. Though it is mostly a comedy and doesn't even have the body count the original Invisible Man had.


It's a comedy? Interesting... So is that the kind of secret darkness that lies in the depth of women's hearts and that they would indulge in if they could avoid consequences: be funny and make people laugh??


I admit I haven't watched it yet. I will watch it after work today around 3pm. Then I will get back to you. I own that Legacy Collection.
