MovieChat Forums > The Shannara Chronicles (2016) Discussion > How is Wil's family royalty???

How is Wil's family royalty???

Haven't read the books yet but i was curious how there was already an elven royal family but Wil is also a member of the royal family.


This is all from the books.

So was this war between the Elves and the evil Druids (wizards). At some point during the war the Elf king died leaving only an infant son which the other ruler elves didn't like. Rather than a child ruler during a war somebody else (Jerle Shannara) got the title and adopted the boy. Wil descends from Jerle (allegedly) but none of Jerle's biological offspring became kings or queens until much (300 years) later. So Wil arguably doesn't have royal blood in him.

Also before becoming king Jerle was the head of their version of the secret service. Basically he got promoted to king because he failed to do his job.


Thank you so much for info. Will have to grab the books soon


Jerle Shannara was a cousin of the king who died, so he and his descendants did have royal blood.
