MovieChat Forums > Meet the Browns (2008) Discussion > White Folks Who Love To Complain about '...

White Folks Who Love To Complain about 'Black' Movies...

FEAR. Thats what it is, isnt it? Admit it. They only complain when its a successful movie about African Americans just trying to do right.
Not all blacks live in the 'hood' nor speak in ebonics and freestyle their asses off on street corners while drinking malt liquor.
Many (and its a growing population that has whitey shaking in their boots)are upwardly mobile intellegent people who may or may not live next door to you in your upper middle class neighborhoods and hold down decent well paying jobs and are articulate in their speech.

I get the strategy going on throughout all these IMDB boards where its generally the SAME posters who go to all these boards making the same complaints, only the title of the movie or television show is different. In fact, I have the right mind to list the names of the most infamous perpetraitors right here if I knew those inside the administration would'nt have the post deleted.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


while you could've left out the comments about 'white folks", I mostly agree with your point.....

Twisted Bliss


They seem to be the only ones so heavily bothered by African American films on IMDB. So I figure why beat around the bush?

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."




I personally like his films, I can somewhat agree with his films being over dramatic soap actors with not very good acting, but I cut him some slack because he does his films on a very tight budget and a lot of the actors in his films are usually just beginning their careers

just my point of view of course

Twisted Bliss


I see the "bigger picture" but anyone who really has a problem with "Black" films on IMDb more likely than not is a white person a majority of the time.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."




Twisted Bliss



Not all blacks live in the 'hood' nor speak in ebonics and freestyle their asses off on street corners while drinking malt liquor.
Many are intellegent people who may or may not live next door to you in your upper middle class neighborhoods and hold down decent well paying jobs and are articulate in their speech.

"Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge." Scott Adams


The world isn't only Black and White. Why do you assume it's only White people making comments? Do you realized that Asians, Latinos, Middle-Eastern, etc., also inhabit the US and might share similar views against Tyler Perry movies? His movies get criticisms because they're over the top dramatic soap operas with bad acting and cliched plot lines and NOT because they're "Black".

Not that I have proof or anything, but I think this is very, very untrue. When I looked this film up was I surprised to find it had a 2.4 rating? No, because pretty much every "black" film to come out in the last 5 or so years that doesn't have someone like Denzel or Will Smith in it has a similar rating.

What I was surprised to find was that way worse films like Date Movie have about the same rating, and a film that felt almost like a Tyler Perry film that I seriously hated that had an all white cast yet all the problems people cite Perry's films with (over the top, soap opera, bad acting) has a 7.1, "Dan In Real Life".

And this is why I think that it's mostly white voters who rate these films so badly. If the script to Dan In Real Life was made by Perry it'd have a rating less than 3.0, and if Meet The Browns or any other commercial black film was made with a white cast it'd have a rating north of 5.0. I mean, Good Luck Chuck has a 5.5 rating for crying out load! And that movie was TERRIBLE!

This is not to say all "black" movies or good or grate, just they have to be damn near perfect to even get a rating above 5.0 on here. Meet The Browns was about as bad as a movie like Sweet Home Alabama, but guess which one has the better rating.

Hell, My Big Fat Greek Wedding could've been My Big Fat African Wedding with the same script but a mostly black cast and it would not have done as well or been as critically acclaimed. Why? Because to some people "black" films are automatically bad. That's just how it is. But the real problem is 5-10 movies like Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins and Meet The Browns will keep getting made per year instead of films like Akeelah and the Bee, and that's sad.

"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmer


Did you survey all the IMDb voters and ask if they're white? No? So you just assumed. I doubt if anyone wants to tear down some blacks because some movies feature an all black cast. Low internet movie ratings are holding us back!

Please. Get over it.

If you like the movie, why are you bothered by what someone else's opinion of it is?


I agree with the OP. Some people hate to hear the truth although all white people aren't guilty of this. When I went to see "Why Did I Get Married", there white people in there watching that movie too.

~*Beautiful Black Queen*~
Cook's Crue Member #5
Mercado's Musicians #2


^Thanx for the kudos, and when I say "White Folks" I generally mean the bigoted, close-minded morons(believe me, the lot of em are white, if not then they need some serious help) who just like to patrol these boards before the release of a "Black" film and bash it and the morale of the possible audiance into thinking the film is probably the worst thing ever made simply because it dares to be a positive "black" film with values and not some ignorant garbage like the stuff they should be bashing. Notice how none of the "troll" who were so vocal about this film arent even posting here anymore. Now go to another African American casted film and see whos there posting the most negative things on the message boards.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


It has nothing to do with the films being positive and/or black. It's really a simple matter of people who dislike Perry's films thinking that they are bad films. In my opinion the acting I've seen in these films is over the top. The themes are repetitive and stale. Nothing about the movies make me think or feel anything. It's just like watching a cheesy soap opera. Also, people have different senses of humor, so people like me who dislike these films find nothing funny about them at all. Nowhere in my reasons does race come into play.

P.S. I am not white.


Who is scared of who? In this, an election year, a Black Candidate is finally a nominee of a major party for President. He is pulling down 90+% of the Black vote. You know what 90% of the Black Vote will get him without a single White vote? 100% of the Black vote without a single White vote will get him what? A quick trip back to the Irelevancy Hell where John Kerry now resides.

White America has nothing to fear from Black America and really could survive with few ill effects if the Black Community disappeared from the US completely. All of coorporate America, all of the infrastructure, all of the Government, all of our communications have worked very well with the negligible input of the Black Community. Could Black America survive unaffected without the White Community?

Who should fear who then?

Do not get me wrong, I cite the above as an example. My wife is Black, my kids (two gorgeous teen girls) are bi-racial. Wifey is an executive for Verizon. I am very proud of my family. I am very proud of my wife's family. Her father is a retired Army Lt. Colonel who flew medevac missions in Vietnam. Her mother retired from the FBI where she was one of the very first Black Female Street Agents. I am not even in their class and am punching above my weight by being a member of this family.

Any movie, no matter if it is put out by Spike Lee, Tyler Perry, Michael Bay or John Woo is put out there for public consumption. That includes the White People who infuriate you so when they negatively critique a Black produced film. Face it, guy. A crappy movie is panned for being a crappy movie no matter the color of who made it. I do not hear White folks complaining about Blacks not liking a Michael Scorcese film. Why so touchy?

Whites put a lot less emphasis on the racial make up of who makes a movie or the cast than you would think. Some Black actors have transcended race. There were no howls of protest when Will Smith played the role of Robert Neville in "I am Legend." A role once played by the Great Charlton Heston. No one gave it a second thought. Look at Denzel Washington. Almost every single one of his latest roles could have been played by a white actor. Probably not as well since Denzel is pretty much unequaled. But Denzel easily plays roles that are "race neutral." The fact that he is a black actor has little bearing on the roles he plays.

Seriously, who makes a race a bigger issue? Tyler Perry movies play to a certain audience just like Adam Sandler and Johnny Knoxville's "Jackass" movies do.

Me? I watch what I like and it is all over the place.



...Do yourself (And everyone reading) a favor and quit with the racial pandering and dancing around the issue(s).

You start your post talking about how much 'Black America (Whatever the f!ck that is)' should be forever sycophantic, placid, and indebted to White America, yet you (Like far too many of your race) conveniently leave out all the dehumanizing, subjugating, genocidal, bigoted, and outright WRONG things YOUR PEOPLE have done to blacks in this country past, present, and (Most certainly) future in order for you to be the condescending jackass you've shown yourself to be.

You mention Obama and what the 'Black Vote' will get him, yet you (Once again) fail to state ALL the facts at hand. I'll just list one for now--If you have even an iota of a brain, you can fill in the rest: Where was all this subdued animosity, snark, and condescension when EVERY SINGLE PREVIOUS PRESIDENT ELECT NOT ONLY GOT THE MAJORITY OF THE WHITE VOTE, BUT A SIZEABLE PORTION OF THE SO-CALLED BLACK VOTE, AS WELL?

...And really, no one gives a *beep* about the 'Patriotic' black family you've screwed and married yourself into--I for one never could understand how and why a group of people (blacks) would 'fight for' a people country that has historically and unrelentingly shown and told them how much hatred they have for them (blacks).

So, to make a long story short, I could give a f!ck less about their 'credentials' as well-paid, Government drones, and/or how much weight you feel you'd have to 'punch up' in order to 'fit in' with members of the same race you obviously hold in contempt, Wedding Ring or not.

In short, get over yourself and stop acting like Amerikkka is some kind of pristine, magnanimous, infallible Racial Utopia. You've GOT to have enough common sense to grasp that...

A: "Is that your Bathing Suit?"

W: "Is that your Overbite?"


I'm just a skinny white bald guy, but I really think Tyler is becoming the master of the morality play. Alot of the criticism would go away if people rent the stage version of his works prior to seeing the film version, because it really puts his vision into context.

But that's just me.



We should look at why these films, films staring a majority african american cast are getting such low ratings on IMDB. they cant all be bad. can they? it's a good question that I hope can be discussed. BTW i'm not talking about anything Will Smith has starred in, lol.


No, they arent all that bad. The low, and in the end pointless ratings given here are thanks to a bunch of classless, racist clowns who have nothing better to do.

I say once again, IMDb ratings dont mean a damn thing. And for the record the top 250 films or whatever is bunk as well.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."



I do believe there are some racist white folk who don't want to see Tyler Perry succeed, but at the same time I don't think all these bad ratings are strictly "the Man tryn' to hold us Back!!"LOL
I gave this movie a 1 or maybe a 2 because it was a straight out bad, poorly written, poorly acted, poorly everything (the key grip and best boy probably weren't worth a damn either!) piece of garbage that took up 2 hours of my afternoon one Friday. I don't hate Tyler Perry. As a matter of fact, I like what he stands for and I think it's great that he's trying to give Black folk nice family films to watch. Its about time we were known for more than rappers, NBA players and drug dealers when you see us on a screen. At the same time though, his movies aren't that good. No amount of good intentions and supporting my own can make up for that. I'm black, have been all my life; but I have to call a spade a spade (pun was accidental).
As far as the people coming here and bashing this movie before it came out or bashing it when they haven't seen it, I agree with the OP. It's not right to just jump on a bangwagon and bash something you haven't seen.



Get over it.
"White folk", "folk?",

It's not a racial thing, look at some(most) of the movies that come out in that racial sence.

Meet the clumps.
Good burger.
Fat Albert.
Some *beep* with 50 cent.
The wash....
Super Fly, Dolomite, Blackula... Jesus, throw your own rope over the tree, don't blame us...

See, if they came up with the same level stupid stuff, it'd be funny.
Instead of the "Three Amigos", make it the "Three Mulignans", right?

Give me a break..
Color purle, Hotel Rowanda, New Jack City, serious movies are a credit.

You want help, get rid of:

Martin Lawrence
Spike Lee.
Chris Tucker
Eddie Griffin


Wesley Snipes
Samuel L. Jackson
Eddie murphy
Bill Cosby...

If you refer to yourselves as the N word, you probably are.



I agree excepts for you comments about "whitey shakin in their boots". We aren't afraid that the African American population is growing. We couldn't care less. We don't even see you as seperate until you act it. "OOOH I'm black! Whites hate me! Your people hurt my people!" Yeah, that was a long time ago. The whites from then are dead now.
You all purposely seperate yourself.
My best friend is black, and she feels the same way. She doesn't even come on this board anymore b/c she's sick of all of the racist comments made.


SweeneyLovesLovett said:

"We don't even see you as seperate until you act it. "OOOH I'm black! Whites hate me! Your people hurt my people!" Yeah, that was a long time ago. The whites from then are dead now.
You all purposely seperate yourself."


That's a Crock of Bul!s*!t and you know it.

First off, since when were YOU deigned as the Spokesloser for EVERY WHITE PERSON ON EARTH?

Second of all, do yourself (And the rest of your people, for that matter) a favor and quit with the bul!s*!t 'White Guilt, Reverse Racism, *beep* Excuses. Slavery wasn't brought up in this thread until YOUR PEOPLE brought it up, you delusional hypocrite.

Third of all, making baseless assumptions about an ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE (Blacks) only weakens the flimsy thread of racist logic that you exuded in your post.

And trying to apply Damage Control to your incendiary prattle by saying your best friend is black doesn't mean sh!t. Your best friend could be Samoan, and you'd still be a know-it-all racist piece of s*!t.

So, in other words, shut the f*kk up and learn something before you log on thinking you're some kind of racial psychic.


A: "Is that your Bathing Suit?"

W: "Is that your Overbite?"


Totally agree OP.


heres the thing while i dont believe this should be a 2 it still was bad while i can see ratings have some racial backing the fact of the matter is he just doesnt make technically good film. whats worse is it goes for alot of black flms and while i support black film making 8 out of 10 times its going to be a bad movie mainly because they fall victim to the same plot holes and problems white films have, only they add a twist of urban elements so black people can relate to it. i mean seriously you have seen tons of positive black films and most of them fall into the same stereotypes or ignorance of a bad black film. black film makers need to start taking more time in their filmms look towards more interesting plots and stories rather than hacky cliches. while imdb ratings maybe one thing it doesnt change the fact that we as people should stop pigeon holing ourselves

Starring in that 227 movie "New Jack`ee City"


I've found a lot of Perry criticisms from Black posters who are embarrassed to be represnted by him.


that's because all black movies suck - they are all the same trash movie with the femal character going "mmmmHmmmmm" and then another one going "mmmmHmmmmm" back to her - it makes for trash television and trash movies. end of story.
