Why Do Blacks Support Movies Like This?
This movie, and others like it just perpetuate the stereotype that blacks are loud, obnoxious and uncivilized. These types of movie don't do blacks any favors.
shareThis movie, and others like it just perpetuate the stereotype that blacks are loud, obnoxious and uncivilized. These types of movie don't do blacks any favors.
shareActually I like his earlier ones, but I gotta admit. This was a horrible movie.
shareThe church,the church,the church,the church,the church,the church,the church,the church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get a AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bible pimps knows a good thing when they see it and "Lionsgate" is looking at a cash cow.
Get it?
Tyler's movies aren't going to appeal to everyone. He has a following from his plays, so naturally those fans are going to support his movies. IMO though, he hasn't had a good movie since "Diary". Everything he's done since seems to be rushed and ill thought through. He's putting out a movie every year and to me, it looks like it. I think he needs to step back a little and learn his craft more. I doubt that he will though since his fans will continue to make his mediocre films appear successful.
You know, I've said that all along. It's not a knock against Tyler, but I really think he should stop trying to do everything himself. I think he can still act as Executive Producer of all his films and even co-write, but I think his movies would be great if he collaborated with some great writers an directors. And that's not to say that I don't think he has the potential to do great work himself, it's just that right now he misses the bar quite a bit with his movies and I think until he really hones his craft, he could stand to collaborate with others.
Some of us are, and some of us ain't (we're not ALL the same, y'know) I'm black meself.
So what you're saying is if Tyler Perry just takes himself out of his movies period, they'll be better. But it'll no longer be a "Tyler Perry" film, will it?
share"I think if Tyler did a script and got with a talented director like Kasi Lemmons he'd get more respect." -- phatbleek
It's actually the other way around. It starts with the blueprint (screenplay). He needs to team up with a talented screenwriter/storyteller and start from there. I would also suggest hiring a more visionary director and just stick to producing like Jerry Bruckheimer. But he looks like her wants to be in control.
No Country For Old Men Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2007
Should I preface this comment with "I'm black too.."
You know.. Tyler Perry wouldn't be expected to produce so much if the movie market for African Americans were flooded. The same way there is space for Margot at the Wedding and Dodgeball... there is room for what Tyler does, and what Spike Lee does at the same time. We as a people should not have to feel like we're responsible for everything another black person does that doesn't seem to fit what's pretty, or what will depict us in the best light.. wtf???? Really, it takes all types to be a people, and I want to be able to go to a theater or turn on my television and see varying depictions of my people.. period. Tyler obviously has an audience, whether I agree with it or not. I think Why did I get married had excellent potential that wasn't fully fleshed out... so, I am patient, and I hope that just like blaxploitation in the 70's and Boyz in the Hood in the 90's opened the door for Hollywood to green light more films by African American filmmakers, Tyler's success will do the same... we shall see.. in the meanwhile, chill out and encourage the local filmmaker near you.
"...in the meanwhile, chill out and encourage the local filmmaker near you." -- nefjones
That's all I've been trying to say since the "Why Did I Get Married?" message board, receiving a lot of backlash for it at the same time. They can be found at film festivals. If only more black people thought like this instead of complaining about Tyler Perry and Hollywood. I think the studios will catch on to whatever the public is endorsing with their time and dollars. Period.
Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004
FrancoNero on Sun Mar 23 2008 22:03:18
This movie, and others like it just perpetuate the stereotype that blacks are loud, obnoxious and uncivilized. These types of movie don't do blacks any favors.
Gotta agree with you there. I can't stand movies like this. Plus, my beef with Tyler's movies inparticular is that when the dark skinned black man does the woman wrong, the light skinned black man comes and saves the day. Always happens in his movies.
I don't understand why people make this into a race issue. Although, Tyler Perry movies seem to be stereotyped for black audience, but who's to say "black people are watching them" It could be that white, asian or even Hispanics wanna get an idealistic of the african american culture. Personally , I've seen more white people in the theater then black people. Furthermore, when you say Tyler Perry movies are being stereotyped for blacks as being: loud, obnoxious and uncivilized.Thats ones "ignorance" who would except that theory.
No idea but obviously some do cause he's getting the
money to make sequels.
bottomline is, its a big ass fat black guy dressing up as a stupid stereotypical
old black woman who has no respect for anything.
way to go, reinforce that racial stereotype hollywood.
" I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code. "
Precisely. I'm black and I loved all the movies that Tyler Perry has directed. But that doesn't mean just because I'm black of course I'd like the movies. Stereotype these days. LOL
I killed a man...
With this thumb!!
*shows right thumb*
original poster hit it on the head. white people see these movies and man do they walk away with a notion of us.
can we get like a normal dramatic film that just happens to take place with black people in it.
im a film major and i have been begging for this for like 5 years now...ask my wife!!
Good movie,but i like ''why did i get married'' better.
prettyboysayain (Wed Jun 18 2008 13:22:33) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
original poster hit it on the head. white people see these movies and man do they walk away with a notion
Than that is the fault of those white folks. Tyler Perry films should not cast aspersion on 40+ million Black Americans. For white folk to believe this about ALL black people, means that they do not actually know any Black folk in real life. geeZ. Besides, whites, were having negative beliefs about Black folk before Tyler Perry was born; what caused that?
I really don't see that at all. What black movies would you name that don't give off that stereotype?
share If TP removed himself from everything except production--yes, they'd still be 'Tyler Perry Films'. A 'Jerry Bruckheimer Film' is one produced by Bruckheimer, who does only production.
Sometimes, when a play is adapted to film, it needs to be 're-fitted'--changed a bit.
TP's a playwright. A theatre director. Kasi Lemmons was just a natural @ film direction. She'd improve his films.
Carpe Noctem
I want to say one thing about Tyler Perry and his work. Now, please don't take this comment the wrong way, but Tyler Perry's success comes from his portrayal of the worst of African-American society and his offering this portrayal up as "entertainment." But the entertainment he offers is the mind-numbing, pointless variety, sort of like a video game or "The Jerry Springer Show." He even ties this schlock up in a pretty little bow of morality/happy ending, just what the mentally-numbed public craves and desires. Perry offers no challenge to the public's mentality or state of being, no cry against an injustice, nothing WORTHWHILE.
The public only endorses hacks like Perry because they crave the sitcom/talk show fodder that has been feed to the for decades. The public does not want to be challenged or have its faults and flaws exposed. All other African-American playwrights of merit DO this. August Wilson, Lorraine Hansbury, etc. all deal with heavy issues such as faith, injustice, family, love, death, and life with total seriousness. And sadly, the African-American community effectively shuns these works in favor of Perry's 2nd rate entertainment.
On a somewhat related note, I had the priviledge of attending a Q&A session with Charles Dutton, who has played many prominent roles in August Wilson's plays and was a close friend of Wilson's. Mr. Dutton said flat-out that Mr. Wilson was by no means a fan of Perry's work. Wilson pretty much called Perry's plays crap, AND he (Wilson) had made this quite clear to Perry. (Ha! What ya'll think of that?)
So that's my two cents. But I think it's high time Perry called it quits. If August Wilson thinks his work sucks, it sucks. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Unlock a mind. Unmind a lock.
I don't see anything wrong with Tyler's movies and plays. I 'm glad to see people in roles that on't involve them having to be a mild porno star to get a role or get noticed. I like the fact that he has movies where black people are lawyers, doctors, hairdressers, factory workers etc. That's a real life look on things. Not all black people are rich nor are they poor. Not all black people are loud and crazy but there are some that are (I am black BTW). His plays show a wider variety of things. I got so tired of movies where someone black going to jail or selling drugs and gangbanging (with guns). Yeah some black people live that life style and want to see more of it but not everyone does. And on another level people need to really stop playing the race card all races alike. It is 2008 there are more problems in the world and people are still hung up on race and creeds. I'm black and have beeen raised around black people but i am not an expert on black people nor am i an expert on any other race i can only take people as they present themselves. I sad to know that racism really isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
shareTPerry should step up 'his game'. And, reality tv is so much more intellectually stimulating. Really? Gossip Girl? daily soap opera's? I agree that TPerry has latched onto a formula that is incredibly predictable; however he is creating vivid and positive images of Black folk in a variety of professions, skill levels, lifestyles etc. I support him, but want[need] him to step away from the egregiously stereotypical 'fodder' ex. family sitting around the dinner tBLE calling women 'ho---es. Not cool. He is not August Wilson, but, he provides entertainment, gives black actors work,and foster some feel-good moments for his millions of fans.
shareUhhhhh .. Brenda and her children DID find the Browns family pretty "loud, obnoxious and uncivilized", didn't they ? I'm white and I support movies like this lol.. They're just .. light hearted feel-good comedies.
Shake your derrière in them Deréon.
Thanks for bringing that point up Laceyyyy.
I'm black and I support anything that entertains me, be the director/producer/writer of any race. Personally, I like some of Tyler Perry's plays and maybe one of his movies but I despise House of Payne and Meet the Brown's especially.
And seriously, think for a moment......with all the articles about Blacks and the Oscars, lack of minorities on the network shows, etc, are you seriously wondering why some blacks support this?
What? With the abundance of other options they have to choose from, correct?