MovieChat Forums > The Oscars (2022) Discussion > Becoming more and more of a non-event?

Becoming more and more of a non-event?

I remember a time when The Oscars felt more meaningful and impactful. Growing up through the 90's and even beyond that it felt there was more excitement and anticipation over what films were going to do well, what actors, directors etc.. It seems there is less care towards it from the general public these days and I feel the same. Obviously the viewership is down, and people don't even seem to talk about The Oscars much anymore.

Part of me from a personal point of view thinks it's because I've grown up and have lost interest with age. The other part thinks it's many contributing factors like actors and films no longer having that star factor attached to them, too many BP nominations making each feel less special, increased wokeness, poor hosting and presentation of the event, or just perhaps the film industry not being at as high a standard as it used to be.

What do you think?


General audiences aren't watching a lot of the nominated films, which is too bad because there are some great films nominated this year. Some people say the Oscars are out of touch with the general public, but I would argue it is the general public who is out of touch with the Oscars.


Yeh all that stuff . Also the rise of the superhero genre dominating everything has made 'normal' movies seem less of a thing


Probably. Imho the quality of film in general is also on the decline: there are seemingly less good or interesting films being released. But even if they were they wouldn't get noticed by the general public as much.


Once it came out that so many of the voters don't actually watch the movies, people couldn't help but acknowledge it was a cool kid contest rather than a competition of quality.
