MovieChat Forums > The Oscars (2021) Discussion > This award is worthless

This award is worthless

Who cares about this crap anymore?

It's as honest and relevant as any "car of the year" bs, they just give these awards to themselves to fool the consumer into buying their crap believing it's of higher quality.

My uncle has won a kissass "best uncle" oscar from my cousin, it has as much weight as any one handed out by these clowns in hollywood. And my uncle has higher entertainment value.


It's always been an industry kiss-ass, popularity contest with lots of lobbying for votes going on, but at least there was the pretense of it being an award for merit, and sometimes it actually was. Now it's just an identity politics sham that culminates in a giant woke party in which the Hollywood left goes on tv and rubs their sick ideology in our faces. Fortunately, most of the non-woke have tuned out and don't care anymore.


Woke or non-woke I'm sure this crap is still too relevant for what it is.

Seriously, it's 2021, hollywood is dead, cinema is on tv, stars are in the sky, and nobody should care about awards for art or artists, unless they are in elementary school and need some encouragement from their teacher.


Do you pass the time shooting cans with your air rifle?


Interesting non sequitur.
Do you keep farting in your hand to smell some fresh ideas?



Thanks mate!


Well tonight is the Oscars. I don't give a shit about any of these movies but Hollywood will continue to double and triple down on their woke religion and being too fucking stupid to realize an Oscar is worthless now. Might as well call it a participation trophy since each winner represents a quota so the Academy can pat themselves on the back for their virtue signaling. I look forward to the online reaction though.
