These idiots trying to shut down Peterson from speaking, or make him use the words they want to be spoken, are a step to totalitarianism. He tries to warn them they will not like where this will go.
Imagine being so afraid of the ideas and thoughts of another that you have to do whatever you can to stop them from speaking. That you will not even have a dialogue with them.
He's stating that from what the other commenter said about Peterson, he didn't seem to have actually listened to his talks, so he seemed to speak from hearsay from whatever media he follows.
Stating doesn't qualify as "victimizing himself". What you have done there is just throwing insults and personal attacks.
I heard him speak on Youtube. He's unoriginal and has deep-seeded anger issues. He's entitled to his opinion (as far as Canadian free speech allows) but he offered nothing interesting to my ears. I only know about him due to seeing him trend on this website.
His anger issues are likely over his job loss at the University (full time jobs with benefits). Just my guess though. He was fired for talking trash about gay and trans people.
No he was fired because he was in a relationship with one of his students who was black and a transexual and now he is a penniless, homeless bum. It is known.
Yeah a person who comes up with the first new, compelling and relevant interpretations of the stories in the Old Testament in thousands of years, how unoriginal is that !?
People don't call Peterson a genius for nothing.
PS: It's "deep seated" not deep seeded. But then if you're just another troll you probably knew that.
He didn't at all. His interpretation of the bible and specifically Jesus and the archetype is actually laughable.
He claims Jesus is like no other because he was the first perfect archetype and so was his story. It only takes a moment of thinking how Jesus could have been better. and how his story is massively flawed.
this without even getting into Peterson joke of a response about "what do you mean did he exist". hes a snake oil salesman and not a very good one. but lost men looking for a father figure who want simple answers to complex reality love him so
he may be an expert at psychology, unfortunately at least when it comes to what he does publicly, most of it actually is useless and concerns philosophy and other subjects.
He has never uttered a threat against a group. His battle is against the gov't. making a person use certain words, when they do not desire to use them. Where does it stop?
Thats the crux of the issue thought isnt it. A law should never limit free speech, no matter what kind of speech it is. That is why he is so popular, because the free speech is being limited in almost every facet of these people lives.
Yes I saw it and liked it too. But I was shocked to see that Peterson was not psychologically equipped to do what he did in becoming a controversial public figure. In the documentary it was obvious that he was suffering from major problems with anxiety and of course that is what brought him crashing down so spectacularly later on. Very sad but completely predictable.
He is a pathological liar, a typical snake oil salesman. There is not one coherent, thoughtful thing coming out of his mouth apart from some statements about woke and genderism. Nobody is "shutting him down". He makes millions with books and speeches.
Btw I consider myself a conservative.