What 'graphic' sex scenes?

I just finished watching this movie for the first time, mainly because I was bored and wanted something new to watch while doing chores.

Anyway, when it comes to the sex scenes, I was honestly expecting something more extreme than what was actually shown. This is because I distinctly remember people's reaction when this movie came out. If memory serves, there was an old lady who said something like "I don't want to see two men go at it on screen and see their penises," or something like that. I don't remember anymore if that lady was a celebrity or just some random woman they interviewed. I thought it was ridiculous then (given that it's always been marketed as a gay-themed comedy; if the idea of gay-anything turns these people off so much, they should just avoid it instead of complaining about it because the world doesn't revolve around their comfort), but I think it's even more ridiculous now. Why? WE SAW NOTHING! That's what's so funny about it. Everything was suggestive, yet so many people here are like, "I didn't like it because I'm such a fan of Jim Carrey's and seeing him in graphic sex scenes really raped my childhood."

I actually found the movie refreshing, and very clever. I was expecting an extremely-silly gay-themed comedy -- something you could play in the background while catching up on work, or doing chores -- but what I got was a smart movie with heart that I actually ended up sitting down and paying attention. It's almost like I got sucker-punched, because I totally didn't expect this, given that I knew absolutely nothing about the movie except that it's supposed to be a gay-themed comedy. I honestly thought it was going to be crazy "offensive" like Borat or something.


I honestly thought it was going to be crazy "offensive" like Borat or something.

or Bruno (remember that tv show hshows to the test audience)

and you are right, it was suggestive


I started watching this movie with my 13 yrs old nephew and stopped watching it right after the scene where the two guys were banging hard! It was disgusting And graphic to me.


Why on earth you are watching R Rated movies with your 13 years old nephew? Are you 13 as well?

Movie: Victor Frankenstein 6/10
Song: FLETCHER - Young Live Die Free 8/10


Dud I was expecting a good comedy from the cover. Did not look further into it...


No, it was rated R and it was about gay men.

Plus there were no penises.



Wow, you shouldn't be watching movies like this with minors. Still, I wonder how a grown adult like you could be so disturbed by two men having sex comedically , in a suggestive manner, to the point of turning the TV off.

I'm not saying you should like "the idea" of gay sex, but you should at least not be so sensitive about it. I hope this didn't remind of some type of trauma in your life, for example how a relative viewed homophobic behaviour as the norm or something similar like church-ridden homophobic morality and the like. That would be unfortunate for you, to say the least.


A man isn't "homophobic" because of his natural response of being disgusted by the visualization of man sodomizing another man. He's merely heterosexual


Hey, man, I know gay dudes and they always say you don't need to vocalize your disgust or make exaggerated gestures. That's just homophobia in (pathetic) disguise.

I myself don't care about lesbian sex, I often come across lesbians kissing on the street or after class and I know I don't feel repulsion, it's just as intimate as any other kiss in the mouth.

Also I don't want them to stop. It's their goddamn business.

If you get offended because they put this in a movie, wow you are sensitive and intolerant.

You can easily look the other way if that kind of (depicted) intimacy makes you that uncomfortable at the movies.


You were criticizing the idea of being disgusted by it at all not just "vocalizing" about it. Therefore I simply corrected you in explaining that it's a natural reaction & not "phobic" for a heterosexual man to be disgusted by the sight of two men sodomizing each other. No one is telling you how you should feel about it so perhaps you should do others the same courtesy


You are just doing just that my friend!
In fact you are proposing (without any considerations) how disgusting this IS to all heterosexuals just for BEING heterosexuals ( like it works like that for EVERY heterosexual male) You should talk about your own experience instead.

I mean come on! That's an absurdly wild generalisation.

I know this is not the case with many guys.
I have talked to older male friends years ago after watching movies with explicit gay content (Shortbus rings any bells?).

I fact, only my aunt's homophobe husband yelled how disgusting a gay scene was.... Everyone rolled their eyes. My aunt was a bit embarrassed.


I wish you would stop putting words in my mouth to suit your argument. It's disingenuous. My saying it's a natural reaction for a heterosexual man to be disgusted by overt displays of male homosexual imagery is not the same as saying any and ALL self identifying heterosexuals will have the same reaction regardless of they're life experiences.

it's a natural reaction for people to be strongly repulsed by the sight of extreme gore, violence & human death but there are many thousands of people who are completely unfazed by it because their jobs or otherwise life experiences where they were exposed to such things enough to have become completely desensitized. That doesn't suddenly make the majority of people of still sensitive to such things irrationally "phobic". The point is human beings are individually capable of becoming desensitized & accustomed to almost anything in spite of their natural sensibilities.


Is it just me, or did the man that Steven was banging look a heck of a lot like Tom Selleck?


What was the actor's name Steven was banging?


I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the guy getting railed by Steven in the beginning bears a striking resemblance to one of the movie's producers.
